Written for v6.0
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LittlevGL is a free and open-source graphics library providing everything you need to create embedded GUI with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects and low memory footprint.
The LittlevGL is designed to be highly portable and to not use any external resources:
If you would like to reduce the required hardware resources you can:
Written for v6.0
See look and feel
play with it in micropython
You can try out the LittlevGL using only your PC without any development boards. Write a code, run it on the PC and see the result on the monitor. It is cross-platform: Windows, Linux and OSX are supported.
The written code is portable, you can simply copy it when using an embedded hardware.
The simulator is also very useful to report bugs because it means common platform for every user. So it's a good idea the reproduce a bug in simualtor and use the code snippen in the Forum.
The simulator is ported to valrious IDEs. Choose your favourite IDE, read its README on GitHub, download the project, and load it to the IDE.
Eclipse | CodeBlocks | Visual Studio | PlatformIO | Qt Creator |
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Cross-platform with SDL |
Native Windows | Cross-platform with SDL |
Cross-platform with SDL |
Cross-platform with SDL |
In followings the set-up guide of Eclipse CDT is described in more details.
Eclipse CDT is C/C++ IDE. You can use other IDEs as well but in this tutorial the configuration for Eclipse CDT is shown.
Eclipse is a Java based software therefore be sure Java Runtime Environment is installed on your system.
On Debian-based distros (e.g. Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install default-jre
You can download Eclipse's CDT from: https://eclipse.org/cdt/. Start the installer and choose Eclipse CDT from the list.
The PC simulator uses the SDL 2 cross platform library to simulate a TFT display and a touch pad.
On Linux you can easily install SDL2 using a terminal:
apt-cache search libsdl2 (e.g. libsdl2-2.0-0)
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0
(replace with the found version)sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential
If you are using Windows firstly you need to install MinGW (64 bit version). After it do the following steps to add SDL2:
Note: If you will use Microsoft Visual Studio instead of Eclipse then you don't have to install MinGW.
On OSX you can easily install SDL2 with brew: brew install sdl2
If something is not working I suggest this tutorial to get started with SDL.
A pre-configured graphics library project (based on the latest release) is always available. You can find it on GitHub or on the Download page. (The project is configured for Eclipse CDT.)
Run Eclipse CDT. It will show a dialogue about the workspace path. Before accepting it check that path and copy (and unzip) the downloaded pre-configured project there. Now you can accept the workspace path. Of course you can modify this path but in that case copy the project to that location.
Close the start up window and go to File->Import and choose General->Existing project into Workspace. Browse the root directory of the project and click Finish
On Windows you have to do two additional things:
Now you are ready to run the Littlev Graphics Library on your PC. Click on the Hammer Icon on the top menu bar to Build the project. If you have done everything right you will not get any errors. Note that on some systems additional steps might be required to "see" SDL 2 from Eclipse but in most of cases the configurtions in the downloaded project is enough.
After a success build click on the Play button on the top menu bar to run the project. Now a window should appear in the middle of your screen.
Now everything is ready to use the Littlev Graphics Library in the practice or begin the development on your PC.
Written for v6.0
Application Your application which creates the GUI and handles the specific tasks.
LittlevGL The graphics library itself. Your application can communicate with the library to create a GUI. It contains a HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) interface to register your display and input device drivers.
Driver Besides your specific drivers, it contains functions to drive your display, optionally to a GPU and to read the touchpad or buttons.
There are two typical hardware set-ups depending on the MCU has an LCD/TFT driver periphery or not. In both cases, a frame buffer will be required to store the current image of the screen.
MCU with TFT/LCD driver If your MCU has a TFT/LCD driver periphery then you can connect a display directly via RGB interface. In this case, the frame buffer can be in the internal RAM (if the MCU has enough RAM) or in the external RAM (if the MCU has a memory interface).
External display controller If the MCU doesn't have TFT/LCD driver interface then an external display controller (E.g. SSD1963, SSD1306, ILI9341) has to be used. In this case, the MCU can communicate with the display controller via Parallel port, SPI or sometimes I2C. The frame buffer is usually located in the display controller which saves a lot of RAM for the MCU.
The Littlev Graphics Library is available on GitHub: https://github.com/littlevgl/lvgl. You can clone or download the latest version of the library from here or you can use the Download page as well.
The graphics library is the lvgl directory which should be copied into your project.
There is a configuration header file for LittlevGL called lv_conf.h. It sets the library's basic behavior, disable unused modules and features, adjust the size of memory buffers in compile time.
Copy lvgl/lv_conf_template.h next to the lvgl directory and rename it to lv_conf.h. Open the file and change the #if 0
at the beginning to #if 1
to enable its content.
In the config file comments explain the meaning of the options. Check at least these three config options and modify them according to your hardware:
In order to use the graphics library you have to initialize it and the other components too. To order of the initialization is:
in every x
milliseconds in an interrupt to tell the elapsed time. (see below)lv_task_handler()
periodically in every few milliseconds to handle LittlevGL realted tasks. (see below)To set up a display an lv_disp_buf_t and an lv_disp_drv_t variable has to be initialized.
lv_disp_buf_t can bin initalized like this:
/*A static or global variable to store the buffers*/
static lv_disp_buf_t disp_buf;
/*Static or global buffer(s). The second buffer is optional*/
static lv_color_t buf_1[MY_DISP_HOR_RES * 10];
static lv_color_t buf_2[MY_DISP_HOR_RES * 10];
/*Initalize `disp_buf` with the buffer(s) */
lv_disp_buf_init(&disp_buf, buf_1, buf_2, MY_DISP_HOR_RES*10);
There are there possible configurations regarding to the buffer size:
Once the buffer iitialization is ready the display drivers needs to initalized. In the most simple case only the following two fields of lv_disp_drv_t needs to be set:
variable.And there are some optinal data fields:
swap hor_res and ver_res. LittelvGL draws in tha same direction in both case (in lines from top to buttom) so the driver also need to be reconfigured to change the display's fill direction.To use a GPU the following callbacks can be used:
Some other optional callbacks to make easier and more optimal to work with monochrome, grayscale or other less standard dislays:
can be smaller to hold only the required number of bits for the given area size.To set the fields of lv_disp_drv_t variable it needs to be intialized with lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv)
And finally to register a display for LittlevGL the lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv)
needs to be used.
All togother it looks like this:
lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv; /*A variable to hold the drivers. Can be local varaible*/
lv_disp_drv_init(&disp_drv); /*Basic initialization*/
disp_drv.buffer = &disp_buf; /*Set an initialized buffer*/
disp_drv.flush_cb = my_flush_cb; /*Set a flush callback to draw to the display*/
lv_disp_t * disp;
disp = lv_disp_drv_register(&disp_drv); /*Register the direver and save the created display objects*/
Here some simple examples of the callbacks:
void my_flush_cb(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, const lv_area_t * area, lv_color_t * color_p)
/*The most simple case (but also the slowest) to put all pixels to the screen one-by-one*/
int32_t x, y;
for(y = area->y1; y <= area->y2; y++) {
for(x = area->x1; x <= area->x2; x++) {
put_px(x, y, *color_p)
* Inform the graphics library that you are ready with the flushing*/
void my_mem_fill_cb(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, lv_color_t * dest_buf, const lv_area_t * dest_area, const lv_area_t * fill_area, lv_color_t color);
/*It's an example code which should be done by your GPU*/
uint32_t x,y;
for(y = 0; i < length; i++) {
dest[i] = color;
void my_mem_blend_cb(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, lv_color_t * dest, const lv_color_t * src, uint32_t length, lv_opa_t opa)
/*It's an example code which should be done by your GPU*/
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < length; i++) {
dest[i] = lv_color_mix(dest[i], src[i], opa);
void my_rounder_cb(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, lv_area_t * area)
/* Update the areas as needed. Can be only larger.
* For example to always have lines 8 px hegiht:*/
area->y1 = area->y1 & 0x07;
area->y2 = (area->y2 & 0x07) + 8;
void my_set_px_cb(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, uint8_t * buf, lv_coord_t buf_w, lv_coord_t x, lv_coord_t y, lv_color_t color, lv_opa_t opa)
/* Write to the buffer as required for the display.
* Write only 1 bit for monochrome displays mapped vertically:*/
buf += buf_w * (y >> 3) + x;
if(lv_color_brightness(color) > 128) (*buf) |= (1 << (y % 8));
else (*buf) &= ~(1 << (y % 8));
void my_monitor_cb(lv_disp_drv_t * disp_drv, uint32_t time, uint32_t px)
printf("%d px refreshed in %d ms\n", time, ms);
In LittlevGL multiple displays can be used. Just initlaizes multiple drivers and buffer and register them. Each display have its own screens and objects on the screens.
To get curently active scrren of a dsplay use lv_disp_get_scr_act(disp)
(where disp
is the return value of lv_disp_drv_register
). To set a new screen as active on a display use lv_disp_set_scr_act(screen1)
Or in a shorter form set a default display with lv_disp_set_default(disp)
and get/set the active screen with lv_scr_act()
and lv_scr_load()
Learn morea bout screens in the Objects section.
To set up an input device an lv_indev_drv_t variable has to be initialized:
lv_indev_drv_t indev_drv;lv_indev_drv_init(&indev_drv); /*Basic initialization*/
indev_drv.type =.../*See below.*/
indev_drv.read =.../*See below.*/
lv_indev_drv_register(&indev_drv); /*Register the driver in LittlevGL*/
type can be
read is a function pointer which will be called periodically to report the current state of an input device. It can also buffer data and return false when no more data to be read or true when the buffer is not empty.
To learn more about input devices visit Input devices.
indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER; indev_drv.read = my_input_read;
The read function should look like this:
bool my_input_read(lv_indev_data_t*data)
data->point.x = touchpad_x;
data->point.y = touchpad_y;
return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/
IMPORTANT NOTE: Touchpad drivers must return the last X/Y coordinates even when the state is
indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD; indev_drv.read = my_input_read;
The read function should look like this:
bool keyboard_read(lv_indev_data_t*data){
data->key = last_key(); /*Set the last pressed or released key*/
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;
return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/
To use a keyboard:
Visit Touchpad-less navigation to learn more.
With an encoder you can do 4 things:
By turning the encoder you can focus on the next/previous object. When you press the encoder on a simple object (like a button), it will be clicked. If you press the encoder on a complex object (like a list, message box etc.) the object will go to edit mode where by turning the encoder you can navigate inside the object. To leave edit mode press long the button.
indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_ENCODER; indev_drv.read = my_input_read;
The read function should look like this:
bool encoder_read(lv_indev_data_t*data){
data->enc_diff = enc_get_new_moves();
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;
return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/
, similarly to the KEYPAD
, the objects should be added to groupsindev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_BUTTON; indev_drv.read = my_input_read;
The read function should look like this:
bool button_read(lv_indev_data_t*data){
static uint32_t last_btn = 0; /*Store the last pressed button*/
int btn_pr = my_btn_read(); /*Get the ID (0,1,2...) of the pressed button*/
if(btn_pr >= 0) { /*Is there a button press?*/
last_btn = btn_pr; /*Save the ID of the pressed button*/
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR; /*Set the pressed state*/
} else {
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL; /*Set the released state*/
data->btn = last_btn; /*Set the last button*/
return false; /*No buffering so no more data read*/
lv_indev_set_button_points(indev, points_array)
. Where _points_array_ look like const lv_point_t points_array[] = { {12,30},{60,90}, ...}
The LittlevGL uses a system tick. Call the lv_tick_inc(tick_period)
function periodically and tell the call period in milliseconds. For example if called in every milliseconds: lv_tick_inc(1)
It is required for LittlevGL to know the elapsed time. Therefore lv_tick_inc
should be called in a higher priority then lv_task_handler()
, for example in an interrupt.
To handle the tasks of LittlevGL you need to call lv_task_handler()
periodically in one of the followings:
)The timing is not critical but it should be about 5 milliseconds to keep the system responsive.
while(1) {
The MCU can go to sleep when no user input happens. In this case the main while(1)
should look like this:
while(1) {
/*Normal operation in < 1 sec inactivity*/
if(lv_disp_get_inactive_time(NULL) < 1000) {
/*Sleep after 1 sec inactivity*/
else {
timer_stop(); /*Stop the timer where lv_tick_inc() is called*/
sleep(); /*Sleep the MCU*/
You should also add these lines to your input device read function if a press happens:
lv_tick_inc(LV_REFR_PERIOD); /*Force task execution on wake-up*/
timer_start(); /*Restart the timer where lv_tick_inc() is called*/
lv_task_handler(); /*Call `lv_task_handler()` manually to process the press event*/
In addition to lv_disp_get_inactive_time()
you can check lv_anim_count_running()
to see if every animations are finished.
LittlevGL is not thread-safe by deafult. Despite it, it's quite simple to use LittlevGL inside an operating system.
The simple scenario is to don't use the operating system's tasks but use lv_task
s. An lv_task is a function called periodically in lv_task_handler
In the lv_task you can get the state of the sensors, buffers etc and call LittlevGL functions to refresh the GUI.
To create an lv_task use: lv_task_create(my_func, period_ms, LV_TASK_PRIO_LOWEST/LOW/MID/HIGH/HIGHEST, custom_ptr)
If you need to use other task or threads you need one mutex which should be taken before calling lv_task_handler
and released after it.
In addition, you have to use to that mutex in other tasks and threads around every LittlevGL (lv_...
) related code.
This way you can use LittlevGL in a real multitasking environment. Just use a mutex to avoid concurrent calling of LittlevGL functions.
Written for v5.1
In the Littlev Graphics Library the basic building blocks of a user interface are the objects. For example:
Click to check all the existing Object types
The objects have basic attributes which are common independently from their type:
You can set/get this attributes with lv_obj_set_...
and lv_obj_get_...
functions. For example:
/*Set basic object attributes*/
lv_obj_set_size(btn1, 100, 50); /*Button size*/
lv_obj_set_pos(btn1, 20,30); /*Button position*/
To see all the available functions visit the Base object's documentation.
The object types have special attributes. For example a slider have:
For these attributes every object type have unique API functions. For example for a slider:
/*Set slider specific attributes*/
lv_slider_set_range(slider1, 0, 100); /*Set min. and max. values*/
lv_slider_set_value(slider1, 40); /*Set the current value (position)*/
lv_slider_set_action(slider1, my_action); /*Set a callback function*/
A parent can be considered as the container of its children. Every object has exactly one parent object (except screens) but a parent can have unlimited number of children. There is no limitation for the type of the parent but there typically parent (e.g. button) and typical child (e.g. label) objects.
The screen is a special object which has no parent object. Always there is an active screen. By default, the library creates and loads one. To get the currently active screen use the lv_scr_act()
A screen can be created with any object type, for example, a basic object or an image to make a wallpaper.
If the position of the parent is changed the children will move with the parent. Therefore all positions are relative to the parent. So the (0;0) coordinates mean the objects will remain in the top left-hand corner of the parent independently from the position of the parent.
lv_obj_t * par = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL); /*Create a parent object on the current screen*/
lv_obj_set_size(par, 100, 80); /*Set the size of the parent*/
lv_obj_t * obj1 = lv_obj_create(par, NULL); /*Create an object on the previously created parent object*/
lv_obj_set_pos(obj1, 10, 10); /*Set the position of the new object*/
Modify the position of the parent:
lv_obj_set_pos(par, 50, 50); /*Move the parent. The child will move with it.*/
If a child partially or totally out of its parent then the parts outside will not be visible.
lv_obj_set_x(obj1, -30); /*Move the child a little bit of the parent*/
In the graphics library objects can be created and deleted dynamically in run-time. It means only the currently created objects consume RAM. For example, if you need a chart you can create it only when it is required and delete after it is used.
Every objects type has its own create function with an unified prototype. It needs two parameters: a pointer the parent object and optionally a pointer to an other object with the same type. If the second parameter is not NULL then this objects will be copied to the new one. To create a screen give NULL as parent. The return value of the create function is a pointer to the created object. Independently from the object type a common variable type lv_obj_t is used. This pointer can be used later to set or get the attributes of the object. The create functions look like this:
lv_obj_t * lv_type_create(lv_obj_t * parent, lv_obj_t * copy);
There is a common delete function for all object types. It deletes the object and all of its children.
void lv_obj_del(lv_obj_t * obj);
You can delete only the children of an object but leave the object itself "alive":
void lv_obj_clean(lv_obj_t * obj);
The earlier created object (and its children) will be drawn earlier (nearer to the background). In other words, the lastly created object will be on the top among its siblings. It is very important, the order is calculated among the objects on the same level ("siblings").
Layers can be added easily by creating 2 objects (which can be transparent) firstly 'A' and secondly 'B'. 'A' and every object on it will be in the background and can be covered by 'B' and its children.
/*Create a screen*/
lv_obj_t * scr = lv_obj_create(NULL, NULL);
lv_scr_load(scr); /*Load the screen*/
/*Create 2 buttons*/
lv_obj_t * btn1 = lv_btn_create(scr, NULL); /*Create a button on the screen*/
lv_btn_set_fit(btn1, true, true); /*Enable to automatically set the size according to the content*/
lv_obj_set_pos(btn1, 60, 40); /*Set the position of the button*/
lv_obj_t * btn2 = lv_btn_create(scr, btn1); /*Copy the first button*/
lv_obj_set_pos(btn2, 180, 80); /*Set the position of the button*/
/*Add labels to the buttons*/
lv_obj_t * label1 = lv_label_create(btn1, NULL); /*Create a label on the first button*/
lv_label_set_text(label1, "Button 1"); /*Set the text of the label*/
lv_obj_t * label2 = lv_label_create(btn2, NULL); /*Create a label on the second button*/
lv_label_set_text(label2, "Button 2"); /*Set the text of the label*/
/*Delete the second label*/
Written for v5.1
To set the appearance of the objects styles can be used. A style is a structure variable with attributes like colors, paddings, visibility, and others. There is common style type: lv_style_t.
By setting the fields of an lv_style_t
structure you can influence the appearance of the objects using that style.
The objects store only a pointer to a style so the style cannot be a local variable which is destroyed after the function exists. You should use static, global or dynamically allocated variables.
lv_style_t style_1; /*OK! Global variables for styles are fine*/
static lv_style_t style_2; /*OK! Static variables outside the functions are fine*/
void my_screen_create(void)
static lv_style_t style_3; /*OK! Static variables in the functions are fine*/
lv_style_t style_1; /*WRONG! Styles can't be local variables*/
A style has 5 main parts: common, body, text, image and line. An object will use that fields which are relevant for it. For example, Lines don't care about the letter_space. To see which fields are used by an object type see their documentation.
The fields of a style structure are the followings:
Every object type has a unique function to set its style or styles.
If the object has only one style - like a label - the lv_label_set_style(label1, &style)
function can be used to set a new style.
If the object has more styles (like a button have 5 styles for each state) lv_btn_set_style(obj, LV_BTN_STYLE_..., &rel_style
) function can be used to set a new style.
The styles and the style properties used by an object type are described in their documentation.
If you modify a style which is used by one or more objects then the objects have to be notified about the style is changed. You have two options to do that:
void lv_obj_refresh_style(lv_obj_t * obj); /*Notify an object about its style is modified*/
void lv_obj_report_style_mod(void * style); /*Notify all object if a style is modified.(NULL to notify all objects)*/
If the style of an object is NULL then its style will be inherited from its parent's style. It makes easier to create a consistent design. Don't forget a style describes a lot of properties at the same time. So for example, if you set a button's style and create a label on it with NULL style then the label will be rendered according to the buttons styles. In other words, the button makes sure its children will look well on it.
Setting the //glass style property will prevent inheriting that style//. You should use it if the style is transparent so that its children use colors and others from its parent.
There are several built-in styles in the library:
As you can see there is a style for screens, for buttons, plain and pretty styles and transparent styles as well. The lv_style_transp
, lv_style_transp_fit
and lv_style_transp_tight
differ only in paddings: for lv_style_transp_tight
all padings are zero, for lv_style_transp_fit
only hor and ver paddings are zero.
The built in styles are global lv_style_t variables so you can use them like: lv_btn_set_style(obj, LV_BTN_STYLE_REL, &lv_style_btn_rel)
You can modify the built-in styles or you can create new styles. When creating new styles it is recommended to first copy a built-in style to be sure all fields are initialized with a proper value. The lv_style_copy(&dest_style, &src_style) can be used to copy styles.
You can animate styles using lv_style_anim_create(&anim)
. Before calling this function you have to initialize an lv_style_anim_
t variable. The animation will fade a style_1
to style_2
lv_style_anim_t a; /*Will be copied, can be local variable*/
a.style_anim = & style_to_anim; /*Pointer to style to animate*/
a.style_start = & style_1; /*Pointer to the initial style (only pointer saved) */
a.style_end = & style_2; /*Pointer to the target style (only pointer saved) */
a.act_time = 0; /*Set negative to make a delay*/
a.time = 1000; /*Time of animation in milliseconds*/
a.playback = 0; /*1: play the animation backward too*/
a.playback_pause = 0; /*Wait before playback [ms]*/
a.repeat = 0; /*1: repeat the animation*/
a.repeat_pause = 0; /*Wait before repeat [ms]*/
a.end_cb = NULL; /*Call this function when the animation ready*/
The example below demonstrates the above-described style usage
/*Create a style*/
static lv_style_t style1;
lv_style_copy(&style1, &lv_style_plain); /*Copy a built-in style to initialize the new style*/
style1.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style1.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;
style1.body.radius = 10;
style1.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
style1.body.border.width = 2;
style1.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_50;
style1.body.padding.hor = 5; /*Horizontal padding, used by the bar indicator below*/
style1.body.padding.ver = 5; /*Vertical padding, used by the bar indicator below*/
style1.text.color = LV_COLOR_RED;
/*Create a simple object*/
lv_obj_t *obj1 = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_style(obj1, &style1); /*Apply the created style*/
lv_obj_set_pos(obj1, 20, 20); /*Set the position*/
/*Create a label on the object. The label's style is NULL by default*/
lv_obj_t *label = lv_label_create(obj1, NULL);
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0); /*Align the label to the middle*/
/*Create a bar*/
lv_obj_t *bar1 = lv_bar_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_bar_set_style(bar1, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &style1); /*Modify the indicator's style*/
lv_bar_set_value(bar1, 70); /*Set the bar's value*/
To create styles for your GUI is challenging because you need a deeper understanding of the library and you need to have some design skills. In addition, it takes a lot of time to create so many styles.
To speed up the design part themes are introduced. A theme is a style collection which contains the required styles for every object type. For example 5 styles for buttons to describe their 5 possible states. Check the Existing themes.
To be more specific a theme is a structure variable which contains a lot of lv_style_t * fields. For buttons:
theme.btn.rel /*Released button style*/
theme.btn.pr /*Pressed button style*/
theme.btn.tgl_rel /*Toggled released button style*/
theme.btn.tgl_pr /*Toggled pressed button style*/
theme.btn.ina /*Inactive button style*/
A theme can initialized by: lv_theme_xxx_init(hue, font)
. Where xxx is the name of the theme, hue is a Hue value from HSV color space (0..360) and font is the font applied in the theme (NULL
to use the LV_FONT_DEFAULT
default font)
When a theme is initialized its styles can be used like this:
/*Create a default slider*/
lv_obj_t *slider = lv_slider_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_slider_set_value(slider, 70);
lv_obj_set_pos(slider, 10, 10);
/*Initialize the alien theme with a redish hue*/
lv_theme_t *th = lv_theme_alien_init(10, NULL);
/*Create a new slider and apply the themes styles*/
slider = lv_slider_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_slider_set_value(slider, 70);
lv_obj_set_pos(slider, 10, 50);
lv_slider_set_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, th->slider.bg);
lv_slider_set_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC, th->slider.indic);
lv_slider_set_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, th->slider.knob);
You can ask the library to apply the styles from a theme when you create new objects. To do this use lv_theme_set_current(th)
Written for v5.1
To interact with the created object Input devices are required. For example Touchpad, Mouse, Keyboard or even an Encoder. To learn how to add an input device, read the Porting guide.
When you register an input device driver the library adds some extra information to it to describe the state of the input device in more detail. When a user action (e.g. a button press) happens and an action (callback) function is triggered always there is an input device which triggered that action. You can get this input device with
lv_indev_t *indev = lv_indev_get_act();
It might be important when you need to know some special information about the input device like the currently pressed point, or dragging an object or not etc.
The input devices have a very simple API:
/*Get the last point on a display input*/
void lv_indev_get_point(lv_indev_t * indev, point_t * point);
/*Check if there is dragging on input device or not */
bool lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_t * indev);
/*Get the vector of dragging on a input device*/
void lv_indev_get_vect(lv_indev_t * indev, point_t * point);
/*Do nothing until the next release*/
void lv_indev_wait_release(lv_indev_t * indev);
/*Do nothing until the next release*/
void lv_indev_wait_release(lv_indev_t * indev);
/*Reset one or all (use NULL) input devices*/
void lv_indev_reset(lv_indev_t * indev);
/*Reset the long pressed state of an input device*/
void lv_indev_reset_lpr(lv_indev_t * indev);
/*Set a cursor for a pointer input device*/
void lv_indev_set_cursor(lv_indev_t * indev, lv_obj_t * cur_obj);
/*Set a destination group for a keypad input device*/
void lv_indev_set_group(lv_indev_t * indev, lv_group_t * group);
The objects can be grouped in order to easily control them without touchpad or mouse. It allows you to use
to navigate among objects.
Firstly you have to create an object group with lv_group_t *group = lv_group_create()
and add objects to it with lv_group_add_obj(group, obj)
. In a group always there is a focused object. All the button press will be "sent" to the currently focused object.
To navigate among the objects in a group (change the focused object) and interact with them an _LV_INDEV_TYPE_KEYPAD_ typed input device is required. In its read function you can tell the library which key is pressed or released. To learn how to add an input device, read the Porting guide.
Besides you have to assign the group to the input device with
lv_indev_set_group(indev, group)
There are some special control characters which can be used in the read function:
In some cases (e.g. when a pop-up window appears) it is useful to freeze the focus on an object. It means the _LV_GROUP_KEY_NEXT/PREV_ will be ignored. You can do it with lv_group_focus_freeze(group,true)
The style of the focused object is modified by a function. By default, this function is provided by current theme but you can also specify your own style updater function in each group with
void lv_group_set_style_mod_cb(group, style_mod_cb).
The _style_mod_cb_ needs an lv_style_t *
parameter which is a copy of the focused object's style. In the callback, you can mix some colors to the current ones, and modify parameters but it is not permitted to set attributes which modify the size (like _letter_space_, padding etc.)
Written for v5.1
The color module handles all color related functions like changing color depth, creating colors from hex code, converting between color depths, mixing colors etc.
The following variable types are defined by the color module:
The _lv_color_t_, _lv_color1_t__lv_color8_t_, _lv_color16_t_ and _lv_color24_t_ types have got four fields:
You can set the current color depth in _lv_conf.h_ by setting the _LV_COLOR_DEPTH_ define to 1 (monochrome), 8, 16 or 24.
You can convert a color from the current color depth to an other. The converter functions return with a number so you have to use the full field:
lv_color_t c;
c.red = 0x38;
c.green = 0x70;
c.blue = 0xCC;
lv_color1_t c1;
c1.full = lv_color_to1(c); /*Return 1 for light colors, 0 for dark colors*/
lv_color8_t c8;
c8.full = lv_color_to8(c); /*Give a 8 bit number with the converted color*/
lv_color16_t c16;
c16.full = lv_color_to16(c); /*Give a 16 bit number with the converted color*/
lv_color24_t c24;
c24.full = lv_color_to24(c); /*Give a 32 bit number with the converted color*/
You can create a color with the current color depth using the LV_COLOR_MAKE macro. It takes 3 arguments (red, green, blue) as 8 bit numbers. For example to create light red color: my_color = COLOR_MAKE(0xFF,0x80,0x80)
. Colors can be created from HEX codes too: my_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0xFF8080)
or my_color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0xF88)
Mixing two colors is possible with mixed_color = lv_color_mix(color1, color2, ratio)
. Ration can be 0..255. 0 results fully color2, 255 result fully color1.
To describe opacity the _lv_opa_t_ type is created as wrapper to _uint8_t_. Some defines are also introduced:
You can also use the _LV_OPA_*_ defines in _lv_color_mix() as ratio._
The color module defines the most basic colors:
as well as LV_COLOR_WHITE
Written for v5.1
In LittlevGL fonts are bitmaps and other descriptors to store the images of the letters (glyph) and some additional information. A font is stored in a lv_font_t variable and can be set it in style's text.font field.
The fonts have a bpp (Bit-Per-Pixel) property. It shows how much bit is used to describe a pixel in the font. The value stored for a pixel determines the pixel's opacity. This way the image of the letters (especially on the edges) can be smooth and even. The possible bpp values are 1, 2, 4 and 8 (higher value means better quality). The bpp also affects the required memory size to store the font. E.g. bpp = 4 makes the font's memory size 4 times greater compared to bpp = 1.
There are several built-in fonts which can be enabled in lv_conf.h by _USE_LV_FONT_..._ defines. There are built-in fonts in different sizes:
You can enable the fonts with 1, 2, 4 or 8 values to set its bpp (e.g. #define USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_20 4
in lv_conf.h
The built-in fonts exist with multiply character-sets in each size:
The built-in fonts use the Dejavu font.
The built-in fonts are global variables with names like:
(20 px ASCII font)lv_font_dejavu_20_latin_sup
(20 px Latin supplement font)lv_font_dejavu_20_cyrillic
(20 px Cyrillic font)The LittlevGL supports Unicode letter from UTF-8 coded characters. You need to configure your editor to save your code/text as UTF-8 (usually this the default) and enable _LV_TXT_UTF8_ in lv_conf.h. Without enabled _LV_TXT_UTF8_ only ASCII fonts and symbols can be used (see the symbols below)
After it the texts will be decoded to determine the Unicode values. To display the letters your font needs to contain the image (glyph) of the characters.
You can assign more fonts to create a larger character-set. To do this choose a base font (typically the ASCII font) and add the extensions to it: lv_font_add(child, parent)
. Only fonts with the same height can be assigned.
The built-in fonts are already added to the same sized ASCII font. For example if _USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_20_ and _USE_LV_FONT_DEJAVU_20_LATIN_SUP_ are enabled in lv_conf.h
then the "abcÁÖÜ" text can be rendered when using _lv_font_dejavu_20_.
The symbol fonts are special fonts which contain symbols instead of letters. There are built-in symbol fonts as well and they are also assigned to the ASCII font with the same size. In a text, a symbol can be referenced like _SYMBOL_LEFT_, _SYMBOL_RIGHT_ etc. You can mix these symbol names with strings:
lv_label_set_text(label1,"Right "SYMBOL_RIGHT);
The symbols can be used without UTF-8 support as well. (_LV_TXT_UTF8 0_)
The list below shows the existing symbols:
If you want to add new fonts to the library you can use the Online Font Converter Tool. It can create a C array from a TTF file which can be copied copy to your project. You can specify the height, the range of characters and the bpp. Optionally you can enumerate the characters to include only them into the final font. To use the generated font declare it with _LV_FONT_DECLARE(my_font_name)_. After that, the font can be used as the built-in fonts.
/*Create a new style for the label*/
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_plain);
style.text.color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;
style.text.font = &lv_font_dejavu_40; /*Unicode and symbol fonts already assigned by the library*/
lv_obj_t *label;
/*Use ASCII and Unicode letters*/
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_pos(label, 20, 20);
lv_label_set_style(label, &style);
lv_label_set_text(label, "aeuois\n"
/*Mix text and symbols*/
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_pos(label, 20, 100);
lv_label_set_style(label, &style);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Right "SYMBOL_RIGHT);
Written for v5.1
In LittlevGL you can think in graphical objects and don't care about how the drawing happens. You can set the size, position or any attribute of the object an the library will refresh the old (invalid) areas and redraw the new ones. However, you should know the basic drawing methods to know which one you should choose.
The unbuffered drawing puts the pixels directly to the display (frame buffer). Therefore during the drawing process, some flickering might be visible because firstly the background has to be drawn and then the objects on it. For this reason, this type is not suitable when scrolling, dragging and animations are used. On the other hand, it has the smallest memory footprint because no extra graphics buffer is required.
To use unbuffered drawing set _LV_VDB_SIZE_ to 0 in _lv_conf.h_ and register the _disp_map_ and _disp_fill_functions. Here you can learn more about Porting.
The buffered drawing is similar to double buffering when two screen sized buffers are used (one for rendering and an other to display the last ready frame). However, LittlevGL's buffered drawing algorithm uses only one frame buffer and a small graphical buffer called Virtual Display Buffer (VDB). For VDB size ~1/10 screen size is typically enough. For a 320 × 240 screen with 16-bit colors, it means only 15 kB extra RAM.
With buffered drawing there is no flickering because the image is created firstly in the memory (VDB), therefore scrolling, dragging and animations can be used. In addition, it enables the use of other graphical effects like anti-aliasing, transparency (opacity) and shadows.
To use buffered drawing set _LV_VDB_SIZE_ to > LV_HOR_RES in _lv_conf.h_ and register a _disp_flush_ function.
In buffered mode, you can use double VDB to parallelly execute rendering into one VDB and copying pixels to your frame buffer from an other. The copy should use DMA or other hardware acceleration to work in the background to let the CPU to do other things. In _lv_conf.h_ the _LV_VDB_DOUBLE 1_ enables this feature.
Keep in mind it's not sure that the unbuffered drawing is faster. During the rendering process, a pixel is overwritten multiple times (e.g. background, button, text are above each other). This way in unbuffered mode the library needs to access the external memory or display controller several times which is slower than writing/reading the internal RAM.
The following table summarizes the differences between the two drawing methods:
Unbuffered drawing | Buffered drawing | |
Memory usage | No extra | >~1/10 screen |
Quality | Flickering | Flawless |
Antialiasing | Not supported | Supported |
Transparency | Not supported | Supported |
Shadows | Not supported | Supported |
In lv_conf.h you can enable the anti-aliasing with _LV_ANTIALIAS 1_. The anti-aliasing is supported only in buffered mode (LV_VDB_SIZE > LV_HOR_RES).
The anti-aliasing algorithm puts some translucent pixels (pixels with opacity) to make lines and curves (including corners with radius) smooth and even. Because it only puts some extra pixels anti-aliasing requires only a few extra computational power(~1,1x extra time compared to not anti-aliased configuration)
As described in Font section the fonts can be anti-aliased by using a different font with higher bpp (Bit-Per-Pixel). This way the pixels of a font can be not only 0 or 1 but can be translucent. The supported bpp-s are 1, 2, 4 and 8. Keep in mind a font with higher bpp requires more ROM.
Written for v5.1
You can automatically change the value (animate) of a variable between a start and an end value using an animator function with void func(void* var,int32_t value)
prototype. The animation will happen by the periodical calling of the animator function with the corresponding value parameter.
To create an animation you have to initializes an _lv_anim_t_ variable (there is a template in lv_anim.h):
lv_anim_t a;
a.var = button1; /*Variable to animate*/
a.start = 100; /*Start value*/
a.end = 300; /*End value*/
a.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)lv_obj_set_height; /*Function to be used to animate*/
a.path = lv_anim_path_linear; /*Path of animation*/
a.end_cb = NULL; /*Callback when the animation is ready*/
a.act_time = 0; /*Set < 0 to make a delay [ms]*/
a.time = 200; /*Animation length [ms]*/
a.playback = 0; /*1: animate in reverse direction too when the normal is ready*/
a.playback_pause = 0; /*Wait before playback [ms]*/
a.repeat = 0; /*1: Repeat the animation (with or without playback)*/
a.repeat_pause = 0; /*Wait before repeat [ms]*/
lv_anim_create(&a); /*Start the animation*/
The anim_create(&a)
will register the animation and immediately applies the start value regardless to the set delay.
You can determinate the path of animation. In most simple case it is linear which means the current value between start and end is changed linearly. A path is a function which calculates the next value to set based on the current state of the animation. Currently, there are two built-in paths:
By default, you can set the animation time. But in some cases, the animation speed is more practical. The lv_anim_speed_to_time(speed, start, end)
function calculates the required time in milliseconds to reach the end value from a start value with the given speed. The speed is interpreted in unit/sec dimension. For example lv_anim_speed_to_time(20,0,100)
will give 5000 milliseconds.
You can apply multiple different animations on the same variable at the same time. (For example animate the x and y coordinates with _lv_obj_set_x_ end _lv_obj_set_y_). But only one animation can exist with a given variable and function pair. Therefore the _lv_anim_create()_ function will delete the already existing variable-function animations.
You can delete an animation by lv_anim_del(var, func)
with providing the animated variable and its animator function.
Revision 2
Use lv_misc/lv_templ.c and lv_misc/lv_templ.h
typedef struct
and typedef enum
instead of struct name
and enum name
typedef struct
and typedef enum
type names with _t
(uint8_t, int32_t etc)Before every function have a comment like this:
* Return with the screen of an object
* @param obj pointer to an object
* @return pointer to a screen
lv_obj_t * lv_obj_get_scr(lv_obj_t * obj);
Always use /* Something */
format and NOT //Something
Write readable code to avoid descriptive comments like:
x++; /* Add 1 to x */
The code should show clearly what you are doing.
You should write why have you done this:
x++; /*Because of closing '\0' of the string */
Short "code summaries" of a few lines are accepted. E.g. /*Calculate the new coordinates*/
In comments use ` ` when referring to a variable. E.g. /*Update the value of `x_act`*/
Here is example to show bracket placing and using of white spaces:
* Set a new text for a label. Memory will be allocated to store the text by the label.
* @param label pointer to a label object
* @param text '\0' terminated character string. NULL to refresh with the current text.
void lv_label_set_text(lv_obj_t * label, const char * text)
{ /* Main brackets of functions in new line*/
if(label == NULL) return; /*No bracket only if the command is inline with the if statement*/
lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext(label);
/*Comment before a section */
if(text == ext->txt || text == NULL) { /*Bracket of statements start inline*/
Use 4 spaces indentation instead of tab.
You can use astyle to format the code. The required config flies are: docs/astyle_c
and docs/astyle_h
To format the source files:
$ find . -type f -name "*.c" | xargs astyle --options=docs/astyle_c
To format the header files:
$ find . -type f -name "*.h" | xargs astyle --options=docs/astyle_h
Append -n
to the end to skip creation of backup file OR use $ find . -type f -name "*.bak" -delete
(for source file's backups) and find . -type f -name "*.orig" -delete
(for header file's backups)
Written for v5.1
The following pages contain detailed documentation for each of the objects in the Littlev Graphics Library.
Written for v5.2
The Arc object draws an arc within start and end angles and with a given thickness.
To set the angles use the lv_arc_set_angles(arc, start_angle, end_angle)
function. The zero degree is at the bottom of the object and the degrees are increasing in a counter-clockwise direction. The angles should be in [0;360] range.
To set the style of an Arc object use lv_arc_set_style(arc, LV_ARC_STYLE_MAIN, &style)
/*Create style for the Arcs*/
lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_plain);
style.line.color = LV_COLOR_BLUE; /*Arc color*/
style.line.width = 8; /*Arc width*/
/*Create an Arc*/
lv_obj_t * arc = lv_arc_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_arc_set_style(arc, LV_ARC_STYLE_MAIN, &style); /*Use the new style*/
lv_arc_set_angles(arc, 90, 60);
lv_obj_set_size(arc, 150, 150);
lv_obj_align(arc, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
/*Copy the previous Arc and set different angles and size*/
arc = lv_arc_create(lv_scr_act(), arc);
lv_arc_set_angles(arc, 90, 20);
lv_obj_set_size(arc, 125, 125);
lv_obj_align(arc, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
/*Copy the previous Arc and set different angles and size*/
arc = lv_arc_create(lv_scr_act(), arc);
lv_arc_set_angles(arc, 90, 310);
lv_obj_set_size(arc, 100, 100);
lv_obj_align(arc, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
Written for v5.1
The Bar objects have got two main parts: a background which is the object itself and an indicator which shape is similar to the background but its width/height can be adjusted.
The orientation of the bar can be vertical or horizontal according to the width/height ratio. Logically on horizontal bars the indicator width, on vertical bars the indicator height can be changed.
A new value can be set by: lv_bar_set_value(bar, new_value)
. The value is interpreted in range (minimum and maximum values) which can be modified with: lv_bar_set_range(bar, min, max)
. The default range is: 1..100.
The setting of a new value can happen with an animation from the current value to the desired. In this case use lv_bar_set_value_anim(bar, new_value, anim_time)
. lv_bar_set_style_indic(bar,&style_indic)
. It uses the hpad and vpad style elements to keep space from the background. Its default style is: LV_STYLE_PRETTY_COLOR
./*Create a default bar*/
lv_obj_t * bar1 = lv_bar_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(bar1, 200, 30);
lv_obj_align(bar1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, -20, 30);
lv_bar_set_value(bar1, 70);
/*Create a label right to the bar*/
lv_obj_t * bar1_label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(bar1_label, "Default");
lv_obj_align(bar1_label, bar1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -10, 0);
/*Create a bar and an indicator style*/
static lv_style_t style_bar;
static lv_style_t style_indic;
lv_style_copy(&style_bar, &lv_style_pretty);
style_bar.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_bar.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
style_bar.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_bar.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
lv_style_copy(&style_indic, &lv_style_pretty);
style_indic.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_GREEN;
style_indic.body.main_color= LV_COLOR_LIME;
style_indic.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_indic.body.shadow.width = 10;
style_indic.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_LIME;
style_indic.body.padding.hor = 3; /*Make the indicator a little bit smaller*/
style_indic.body.padding.ver = 3;
/*Create a second bar*/
lv_obj_t * bar2 = lv_bar_create(lv_scr_act(), bar1);
lv_bar_set_style(bar2, LV_BAR_STYLE_BG, &style_bar);
lv_bar_set_style(bar2, LV_BAR_STYLE_INDIC, &style_indic);
lv_obj_align(bar2, bar1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 30); /*Align below 'bar1'*/
/*Create a second label*/
lv_obj_t * bar2_label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), bar1_label);
lv_label_set_text(bar2_label, "Modified");
lv_obj_align(bar2_label, bar2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -10, 0);
Written for v5.1
The Base Object contains the most basic attributes of the objects:
You can set the x and y coordinates relative to the parent with lv_obj_set_x(obj, new_x)
and lv_obj_set_y(obj, new_y)
or in one function with lv_obj_set_pos(obj, new_x, new_y)
The object size can be modified with lv_obj_set_width(obj, new_width)
and lv_obj_set_height(obj, new_height)
or in one function with lv_obj_set_size(obj, new_width, new_height)
Note that these functions only work for objects with a parent. Screens do not have a parent, and attempting to use these functions will result in undefined behavior.
You can align the object to an other with lv_obj_align(obj1, obj2, LV_ALIGN_TYPE, x_shift, y_shift)
. The last two argument means an x and y shift after the alignment. The second argument is another object on which to align the first (NULL
means: align to the parent). The third argument is the type of alignment:
The alignment types build like: LV_ALIGN_OUT_TOP_MID
. For example to align a text below an image: lv_obj_align(text, image, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 10)
. Or to align a text in the middle of its parent: lv_obj_align(text, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0)
You can set a new parent for an object with lv_obj_set_parent(obj, new_parent)
To get the children of an object use lv_obj_get_child(obj, child_prev)
(from last to first) or lv_obj_get_child_back(obj, child_prev)
(from first to last). To get the first child pass NULL as the second parameter and then the previous child (return value). The function will return with NULL when there are no more children.
When you have created a screen like lv_obj_create(NULL, NULL)
you can load it with lv_scr_load(screen1)
. The lv_scr_act()
function gives you a pointer to the current screen.
There are two layers automatically generated layers:
They are independent of the screens so objects created an that layers will be shown on every screen. The top layer is above every object on the screen and system layer is above top layer too. You can add any pop-up windows top layer freely. But the system layer restricted to system level things (e.g. mouse cursor will be moved here). The lv_layer_top()
and lv_layer_sys()
functions gives a pointer to the top or system layer.
You can set a new style for an object with the lv_obj_set_style(obj, &new_style)
function. If NULL
is set as style then the object will inherit its parent's style. If you modify a style you have to notify the objects who are using the modified styled. You can use either lv_obj_refresh_style(obj)
or to notify all object with a given style lv_obj_report_style_mod(&style)
. Set _lv_obj_report_style_mod_'s parameter to NULL
to notify all objects.
There are some attributes which can be enabled/disabled by lv_obj_set_...(obj, true/false)
There are some specific actions which happen automatically in the library. To prevent one or more that kind of actions you can protect the object against them. The following protections exists:
The lv_obj_set/clr_protect(obj, LV_PROTECT_...)
sets/clears the protection. You can use 'OR'ed values of protection types too.
There are built-in animations for the objects. The following animation types exist:
The lv_obj_animate(obj, anim_type, time, delay, callback)
applies an animation on obj. To determinate the direction of the animation _OR_ _ANIM_IN_ or _ANIM_OUT_ with the animation type. The default is _ANIM_IN_ if not specified. You can learn more about the animations.
All style.body properties are used. Default for screens _lv_style_plain_ and _lv_style_plain_color_ for normal objects
/*Create a simple base object*/
lv_obj_t * obj1;
obj1 = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(obj1, 150, 40);
lv_obj_set_style(obj1, &lv_style_plain_color);
lv_obj_align(obj1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 40);
/*Copy the previous object and enable drag*/
lv_obj_t * obj2;
obj2 = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), obj1);
lv_obj_set_style(obj2, &lv_style_pretty_color);
lv_obj_set_drag(obj2, true);
lv_obj_align(obj2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
static lv_style_t style_shadow;
lv_style_copy(&style_shadow, &lv_style_pretty);
style_shadow.body.shadow.width = 6;
style_shadow.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
/*Copy the previous object (drag is already enabled)*/
lv_obj_t * obj3;
obj3 = lv_obj_create(lv_scr_act(), obj2);
lv_obj_set_style(obj3, &style_shadow);
lv_obj_align(obj3, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -40);
Written for v5.1, revision 2
Buttons can react on user press, release or long press via callback functions (lv_action_t
function pointers). You can set the callback functions with: lv_btn_set_action(btn, ACTION_TYPE, callback_func)
. The possible action types are:
is releasedButtons can be in one of the five possible states:
The buttons can be configured as toggle button with lv_btn_set_toggle(btn, true)
. In this case on release, the button goes to toggled released state.
You can set the button's state manually by: lv_btn_set_state(btn, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL)
A button can go to Inactive state only manually (by _lv_btn_set_state()_). In an Inactive state, none of the action will be called.
Similarly to Containers buttons also have layout and auto fit:
lv_btn_set_layout(btn, LV_LAYOUT_...)
set a layout. The default is LV_LAYOUT_CENTER. So if you add a label then it will be automatically aligned to the middle.lv_btn_set_fit(btn, hor_en, ver_en)
enables to set the button width and/or height automatically according to the children.A button can have 5 independent styles for the 5 state. You can set them via: lv_btn_set_style(btn, LV_BTN_STYLE_..., &style)
. The styles use the style.body properties.
static lv_res_t btn_click_action(lv_obj_t * btn)
uint8_t id = lv_obj_get_free_num(btn);
printf("Button %d is released\n", id);
/* The button is released.
* Make something here */
return LV_RES_OK; /*Return OK if the button is not deleted*/
/*Create a title label*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Default buttons");
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 5);
/*Create a normal button*/
lv_obj_t * btn1 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_cont_set_fit(btn1, true, true); /*Enable resizing horizontally and vertically*/
lv_obj_align(btn1, label, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 10);
lv_obj_set_free_num(btn1, 1); /*Set a unique number for the button*/
lv_btn_set_action(btn1, LV_BTN_ACTION_CLICK, btn_click_action);
/*Add a label to the button*/
label = lv_label_create(btn1, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Normal");
/*Copy the button and set toggled state. (The release action is copied too)*/
lv_obj_t * btn2 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), btn1);
lv_obj_align(btn2, btn1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 10);
lv_btn_set_state(btn2, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL); /*Set toggled state*/
lv_obj_set_free_num(btn2, 2); /*Set a unique number for the button*/
/*Add a label to the toggled button*/
label = lv_label_create(btn2, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Toggled");
/*Copy the button and set inactive state.*/
lv_obj_t * btn3 = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act(), btn1);
lv_obj_align(btn3, btn2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 10);
lv_btn_set_state(btn3, LV_BTN_STATE_INA); /*Set inactive state*/
lv_obj_set_free_num(btn3, 3); /*Set a unique number for the button*/
/*Add a label to the inactive button*/
label = lv_label_create(btn3, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Inactive");
Written for v5.1
The Button Matrix objects can display multiple buttons according to a descriptor string array, called map. You can specify the map with lv_btnm_set_map(btnm, my_map)
The declaration of a map looks like const char * map[] = {"btn1", "btn2", "btn3", ""}
. Note that the last element has to be an empty string!
The first character of a string can be a control character to specify some attributes:
It is recommended to specify the control byte as an octal number. For example "\213button"
. The octal number always starts with _2_ (bit 7..6) the middle part is the attributes (bit 5..3) and the last part is the width (bit 2..0). So the example describes a 3 unit wide, hidden button.
Use "\n" in the map to make line break: {"btn1", "btn2", "\n", "btn3", ""}
. The button's width is recalculated in every line.
The lv_btnm_set_action(btnm, btnm_action)
specifies an action to call when a button is released.
You can enable the buttons to toggle when they are clicked. There can only be one toggled button at a time. The lv_btnm_set_toggle(btnm, true, id)
enables the toggling and sets the _id_th button to the toggled state.
The Button matrix works with 6 styles: a background and 5 button styles for each states. You can set the styles with lv_btnm_set_style(btn, LV_BTNM_STYLE_..., &style)
. The background and the buttons use the style.body properties. The labels use the style.text properties of the button styles.
/*Called when a button is released ot long pressed*/
static lv_res_t btnm_action(lv_obj_t * btnm, const char *txt)
printf("Button: %s released\n", txt);
return LV_RES_OK; /*Return OK because the button matrix is not deleted*/
/*Create a button descriptor string array*/
static const char * btnm_map[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "\n",
"6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "\n",
"\202Action1", "Action2", ""};
/*Create a default button matrix*/
lv_obj_t * btnm1 = lv_btnm_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_btnm_set_map(btnm1, btnm_map);
lv_btnm_set_action(btnm1, btnm_action);
lv_obj_set_size(btnm1, LV_HOR_RES, LV_VER_RES / 2);
/*Create a new style for the button matrix back ground*/
static lv_style_t style_bg;
lv_style_copy(&style_bg, &lv_style_plain);
style_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
style_bg.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
style_bg.body.padding.hor = 0;
style_bg.body.padding.ver = 0;
style_bg.body.padding.inner = 0;
/*Create 2 button styles*/
static lv_style_t style_btn_rel;
static lv_style_t style_btn_pr;
lv_style_copy(&style_btn_rel, &lv_style_btn_rel);
style_btn_rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x30, 0x30, 0x30);
style_btn_rel.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_btn_rel.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
style_btn_rel.body.border.width = 1;
style_btn_rel.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_50;
style_btn_rel.body.radius = 0;
lv_style_copy(&style_btn_pr, &style_btn_rel);
style_btn_pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x55, 0x96, 0xd8);
style_btn_pr.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x37, 0x62, 0x90);
style_btn_pr.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xbb, 0xd5, 0xf1);
/*Create a second button matrix with the new styles*/
lv_obj_t * btnm2 = lv_btnm_create(lv_scr_act(), btnm1);
lv_btnm_set_style(btnm2, LV_BTNM_STYLE_BG, &style_bg);
lv_btnm_set_style(btnm2, LV_BTNM_STYLE_BTN_REL, &style_btn_rel);
lv_btnm_set_style(btnm2, LV_BTNM_STYLE_BTN_PR, &style_btn_pr);
lv_obj_align(btnm2, btnm1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0);
Written for v5.2
The Calendar object is a classic calendar which can:
The set and get dates in the calendar the lv_calendar_date_t
type is used which is a structure with year
, month
and day
To set the current date use the lv_calendar_set_today_date(calendar, &today_date)
To set the shown date use lv_calendar_set_shown_date(calendar, &shown_date)
The list of highlighted dates should be stired in a lv_calendar_date_t
array and passed this array can be passed to lv_calendar_set_hoghlighted_dates(calendar, &highlighted_dates)
Only the arrays pointer will be saved so the array should be a static or global variable.
The name of the days can be adjusted with lv_calendar_set_day_names(calendar, day_names)
where day_names
looks like const char * day_names[7] = {"Su", "Mo", ...};
Aaction to select a date will be supported in v5.3
and now available in the dev-5.3
branch for experimental usage.
properties and the style of the data numbers using the text
properties. body
and text
properties are used.text
properties are used by the arrows.text
properties are used by the day texts and body.padding.ver
determines the space above the day names.text
properties are used to adjust the style of the highlights daystext
properties are used to adjust the style of the visible days of previous/next month.body
properties are used to set the style of the week boxbody
and text
properties are used to set the style of the today box/*Create a Calendar object*/
lv_obj_t * calendar = lv_calendar_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(calendar, 240, 220);
lv_obj_align(calendar, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
/*Create a style for the current week*/
static lv_style_t style_week_box;
lv_style_copy(&style_week_box, &lv_style_plain);
style_week_box.body.border.width = 1;
style_week_box.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0x333);
style_week_box.body.empty = 1;
style_week_box.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_week_box.body.padding.ver = 3;
style_week_box.body.padding.hor = 3;
/*Create a style for today*/
static lv_style_t style_today_box;
lv_style_copy(&style_today_box, &lv_style_plain);
style_today_box.body.border.width = 2;
style_today_box.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_NAVY;
style_today_box.body.empty = 1;
style_today_box.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_today_box.body.padding.ver = 3;
style_today_box.body.padding.hor = 3;
style_today_box.text.color= LV_COLOR_BLUE;
/*Create a style for the highlighted days*/
static lv_style_t style_highlighted_day;
lv_style_copy(&style_highlighted_day, &lv_style_plain);
style_highlighted_day.body.border.width = 2;
style_highlighted_day.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_NAVY;
style_highlighted_day.body.empty = 1;
style_highlighted_day.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_highlighted_day.body.padding.ver = 3;
style_highlighted_day.body.padding.hor = 3;
style_highlighted_day.text.color= LV_COLOR_BLUE;
/*Apply the styles*/
lv_calendar_set_style(calendar, LV_CALENDAR_STYLE_WEEK_BOX, &style_week_box);
lv_calendar_set_style(calendar, LV_CALENDAR_STYLE_TODAY_BOX, &style_today_box);
lv_calendar_set_style(calendar, LV_CALENDAR_STYLE_HIGHLIGHTED_DAYS, &style_highlighted_day);
/*Set the today*/
lv_calendar_date_t today;
today.year = 2018;
today.month = 10;
today.day = 23;
lv_calendar_set_today_date(calendar, &today);
lv_calendar_set_showed_date(calendar, &today);
/*Highlight some days*/
static lv_calendar_date_t highlihted_days[3]; /*Only it's pointer will be saved so should be static*/
highlihted_days[0].year = 2018;
highlihted_days[0].month = 10;
highlihted_days[0].day = 6;
highlihted_days[1].year = 2018;
highlihted_days[1].month = 10;
highlihted_days[1].day = 11;
highlihted_days[2].year = 2018;
highlihted_days[2].month = 11;
highlihted_days[2].day = 22;
lv_calendar_set_highlighted_dates(calendar, highlihted_days, 3);
Written for v5.1
Charts have a rectangle-like background with horizontal and vertical division lines. You can add any number of series to the charts by lv_chart_add_series(chart, color)
. It allocates data for a lv_chart_series_t
structure which contains the chosen color and an array for the data.
You have several options to set the data of series:
ser1->points[3] = 7
and refresh the chart with lv_chart_refresh(chart)
.lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser, value)
function to shift all data to left and set a new data on the most right position.lv_chart_init_points(chart, ser, value)
.lv_chart_set_points(chart, ser, value_array)
.There are four data display types:
You can specify the display type with lv_chart_set_type(chart, TYPE)
type is also valid to draw both lines and points.
You can specify a the min. and max. values in y directions with lv_chart_set_range(chart, y_min, y_max)
. The value of the points will be scaled proportionally. The default range is: 0..100.
The number of points in the data lines can be modified by lv_chart_set_point_count(chart, point_num)
. The default value is 10.
The number of horizontal and vertical division lines can be modified by lv_chart_set_div_line_count(chart, hdiv_num, vdiv_num)
. The default settings are 3 horizontal and 5 vertical division lines.
To set the line width and point radius use the lv_chart_set_series_width(chart, size)
function. The default value is: 2.
The *opacity of the data lines can be specified by lv_chart_set_series_opa(chart, opa)
. The default value is: OPA_COVER.
You can apply a dark color fade on the bottom of columns and points by lv_chart_set_series_darking(chart, effect)
function. The default dark level is OPA_50.
The series related parameters can be set directly for each chart with lv_chart_set_series_width()
, lv_chart_set_series_opa()
and lv_chart_set_series_dark()
/*Create a style for the chart*/
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_pretty);
style.body.shadow.width = 6;
style.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
style.line.color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
/*Create a chart*/
lv_obj_t * chart;
chart = lv_chart_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(chart, 200, 150);
lv_obj_set_style(chart, &style);
lv_obj_align(chart, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
lv_chart_set_type(chart, LV_CHART_TYPE_POINT | LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE); /*Show lines and points too*/
lv_chart_set_series_opa(chart, LV_OPA_70); /*Opacity of the data series*/
lv_chart_set_series_width(chart, 4); /*Line width and point radious*/
lv_chart_set_range(chart, 0, 100);
/*Add two data series*/
lv_chart_series_t * ser1 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, LV_COLOR_RED);
lv_chart_series_t * ser2 = lv_chart_add_series(chart, LV_COLOR_GREEN);
/*Set the next points on 'dl1'*/
lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 10);
lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 50);
lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 70);
lv_chart_set_next(chart, ser1, 90);
/*Directly set points on 'dl2'*/
ser2->points[0] = 90;
ser2->points[1] = 70;
ser2->points[2] = 65;
ser2->points[3] = 65;
ser2->points[4] = 65;
ser2->points[5] = 65;
lv_chart_refresh(chart); /*Required after direct set*/
The Check Box objects are built from a Button background which contains an also Button bullet and a label to realize a classical check box. The text can be modified by the lv_cb_set_text(cb, "New text")
An action can assigned by lv_cb_set_action(cb, action)
You can manually check / un-check the Check box via lv_cb_set_checked(cb, state)
The Check box styles can be modified with lv_cb_set_style(cb, LV_CB_STYLE_..., &style)
static lv_res_t cb_release_action(lv_obj_t * cb)
/*A check box is clicked*/
printf("%s state: %d\n", lv_cb_get_text(cb), lv_cb_is_checked(cb));
return LV_RES_OK;
* Create a container for the check boxes
/*Create border style*/
static lv_style_t style_border;
lv_style_copy(&style_border, &lv_style_pretty_color);
style_border.glass = 1;
style_border.body.empty = 1;
/*Create a container*/
lv_obj_t * cont;
cont = lv_cont_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_cont_set_layout(cont, LV_LAYOUT_COL_L); /*Arrange the children in a column*/
lv_cont_set_fit(cont, true, true); /*Fit the size to the content*/
lv_obj_set_style(cont, &style_border);
* Create check boxes
/*Create check box*/
lv_obj_t * cb;
cb = lv_cb_create(cont, NULL);
lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Potato");
lv_cb_set_action(cb, cb_release_action);
/*Copy the previous check box*/
cb = lv_cb_create(cont, cb);
lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Onion");
/*Copy the previous check box*/
cb = lv_cb_create(cont, cb);
lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Carrot");
/*Copy the previous check box*/
cb = lv_cb_create(cont, cb);
lv_cb_set_text(cb, "Salad");
/*Align the container to the middle*/
lv_obj_align(cont, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
Written for v5.1
The containers are rectangle-like object with some special features.
You can apply a layout on the containers to automatically order their children. The layout spacing comes from style.body.padding.hor/ver/inner properties. The possible layout options:
You can enable an auto fit feature which automatically set the container size to include all children. It will keep pad.hor space on the left and right and pad.ver space on the top an bottom. The auto fit can be enable horizontally, vertically or in both direction with lv_cont_set_fit(cont, true, true)
function. The second parameter is the horizontal, the third parameter is the vertical fit enable.
lv_obj_t * box1;
box1 = lv_cont_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_style(box1, &lv_style_pretty);
lv_cont_set_fit(box1, true, true);
/*Add a text to the container*/
lv_obj_t * txt = lv_label_create(box1, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(txt, "Lorem ipsum dolor\n"
"sit amet, consectetur\n"
"adipiscing elit, sed do\n"
"eiusmod tempor incididunt\n"
"ut labore et dolore\n"
"magna aliqua.");
lv_obj_align(box1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 10, 10); /*Align the container*/
/*Create a style*/
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_pretty_color);
style.body.shadow.width = 6;
style.body.padding.hor = 5; /*Set a great horizontal padding*/
/*Create an other container*/
lv_obj_t * box2;
box2 = lv_cont_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_style(box2, &style); /*Set the new style*/
lv_cont_set_fit(box2, true, false); /*Do not enable the vertical fit */
lv_obj_set_height(box2, 55); /*Set a fix height*/
/*Add a text to the new container*/
lv_obj_t * txt2 = lv_label_create(box2, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(txt2, "No vertical fit 1...\n"
"No vertical fit 2...\n"
"No vertical fit 3...\n"
"No vertical fit 4...");
/*Align the container to the bottom of the previous*/
lv_obj_align(box2, box1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 30, -30);
Written for v5.3, revision 2
Drop Down Lists allow you to simply select one option from more. The Drop Down List is closed by default an show the currently selected text. If you click on it the this list opens and all the options are shown.
The options are passed to the Drop Down List as a string with lv_ddlist_set_options(ddlist, options)
. The options should be separated by \n
. For example: "First\nSecond\nThird"
You can select an option manually with lv_ddlist_set_selected(ddlist, id)
, where _id_ is the index of an option.
A callback function can be specified with lv_ddlist_set_action(ddlist, my_action)
to call when a new option is selected.
By default the list's height is adjusted automatically to show all options. The lv_ddlist_set_fix_height(ddlist, h)
sets a fixed height for the opened list.
The width is also adjusted automatically. To prevent this apply lv_ddlist_set_hor_fit(ddlist, false)
and set the width manually by lv_obj_set_width(ddlist, width)
Similarly to Page with fix height the Drop Down List supports various scrollbar display modes. It can be set by lv_ddlist_set_sb_mode(ddlist, LV_SB_MODE_...)
The Drop Down List open/close animation time is adjusted by lv_ddlist_set_anim_time(ddlist, anim_time)
. Zero animation time means no animation.
New in v5.3 is the ability to enable an arrow on the side of the drop down list. To use this feature you can call lv_ddlist_set_draw_arrow(ddlist, true)
The lv_ddlist_set_style(ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_..., &style)
set the styles of a Drop Down List.
static lv_res_t ddlist_action(lv_obj_t * ddlist)
uint8_t id = lv_obj_get_free_num(ddlist);
char sel_str[32];
lv_ddlist_get_selected_str(ddlist, sel_str);
printf("Ddlist %d new option: %s \n", id, sel_str);
return LV_RES_OK; /*Return OK if the drop down list is not deleted*/
/*Create a drop down list*/
lv_obj_t * ddl1 = lv_ddlist_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_ddlist_set_options(ddl1, "Apple\n"
lv_obj_align(ddl1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 30, 10);
lv_obj_set_free_num(ddl1, 1); /*Set a unique ID*/
lv_ddlist_set_action(ddl1, ddlist_action); /*Set a function to call when anew option is chosen*/
/*Create a style*/
static lv_style_t style_bg;
lv_style_copy(&style_bg, &lv_style_pretty);
style_bg.body.shadow.width = 4; /*Enable the shadow*/
style_bg.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x10, 0x20, 0x50);
/*Copy the drop down list and set the new style_bg*/
lv_obj_t * ddl2 = lv_ddlist_create(lv_scr_act(), ddl1);
lv_obj_align(ddl2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, -30, 10);
lv_obj_set_free_num(ddl2, 2); /*Set a unique ID*/
lv_obj_set_style(ddl2, &style_bg);
Written for v5.1
The gauge is a meter with scale labels and needles. You can use the lv_gauge_set_scale(gauge, angle, line_num, label_cnt)
function to adjust the scale angle and the number of the scale lines and labels. The default settings are: 220 degrees, 6 scale labels and 21 lines.
The gauge can show more then one needles . Use the lv_gauge_set_needle_count(gauge, needle_num, color_array)
function to set the number of needles and an array with colors for each needle. (The array must be static or global variable).
You can use lv_gauge_set_value(gauge, needle_id, value)
to set the value of a needle.
To set a critical value use lv_gauge_set_critical_value(gauge, value)
. The scale color ill be changed to line.color after this value. (default: 80)
The range of the gauge can be specified by lv_gauge_set_range(gauge, min, max)
The gauge uses one style which can be set by lv_gauge_set_style(gauge, &style)
. The gauge's properties are derived from the following style attributes:
/*Create a style*/
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_pretty_color);
style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0x666); /*Line color at the beginning*/
style.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0x666); /*Line color at the end*/
style.body.padding.hor = 10; /*Scale line length*/
style.body.padding.inner = 8 ; /*Scale label padding*/
style.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0x333); /*Needle middle circle color*/
style.line.width = 3;
style.text.color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0x333);
style.line.color = LV_COLOR_RED; /*Line color after the critical value*/
/*Describe the color for the needles*/
static lv_color_t needle_colors[] = {LV_COLOR_BLUE, LV_COLOR_ORANGE, LV_COLOR_PURPLE};
/*Create a gauge*/
lv_obj_t * gauge1 = lv_gauge_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_gauge_set_style(gauge1, &style);
lv_gauge_set_needle_count(gauge1, 3, needle_colors);
lv_obj_align(gauge1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 20);
/*Set the values*/
lv_gauge_set_value(gauge1, 0, 10);
lv_gauge_set_value(gauge1, 1, 20);
lv_gauge_set_value(gauge1, 2, 30);
Written for v5.1
The Images are the basic object to display images. To provide maximum flexibility the source of the image can be:
To set the source of an image the lv_img_set_src
function can be used.
To generate a pixel array from a PNG, JPG or BMP image use the Online image converter tool and set the converted image with its pointer:
lv_img_set_src(img1, &converted_img_var);
To use external files you also need to convert the image files using the online converter tool but now you should select the binary Output format. To see how to handle external image files from LittlevGL check the Tutorial.
You can set a symbol from lv_symbol_def.h too. In this case, the image will be rendered as text according to the font specified in the style. It enables to use light weighted mono-color "letters" instead of real images. You can set symbol like this:
lv_img_set_src(img1, SYMBOL_OK);
The internal (variable) and external images support 2 transparency handling methods:
(lv_conf.h) will be transparentThese options can be selected in the online font converter.
The images can be re-colored in run-time to any color according to the brightness of the pixels. It is very useful to show different states (selected, inactive, pressed etc) of an image without storing more versions of the same image. This feature can be enabled in the style by setting img.intense
(no recolor, value: 0) and LV_OPA_COVER
(full recolor, value: 255). The default value is LV_OPA_TRANSP
so this feature is disabled.
It is possible to automatically set the size of the image object to the image source's width and height if enabled by the lv_img_set_auto_size(image, true)
function. If auto size is enabled then when a new file is set the object size is automatically changed. Later you can modify the size manually. If the object size is
greater then the image size in any directions then the image will be repeated like a mosaic. The auto size is enabled by default if the image is not a screen.
The images' default style is NULL so they inherit the parent's style.
/*Declare a cogwheel image variable*/
* Create three images and re-color them
/*Create the first image without re-color*/
lv_obj_t * img1 = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_img_set_src(img1, &img_cw);
lv_obj_align(img1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 20, 40);
/*Create style to re-color with light blue*/
static lv_style_t style_img2;
lv_style_copy( &style_img2, &lv_style_plain);
style_img2.image.color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x003b75);
style_img2.image.intense = LV_OPA_50;
/*Create an image with the light blue style*/
lv_obj_t * img2 = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), img1);
lv_obj_set_style(img2, &style_img2);
lv_obj_align(img2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 40);
/*Create style to re-color with dark blue*/
static lv_style_t style_img3;
lv_style_copy(&style_img3, &lv_style_plain);
style_img3.image.color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x003b75);
style_img3.image.intense = LV_OPA_90;
/*Create an image with the dark blue style*/
lv_obj_t * img3 = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), img2);
lv_obj_set_style(img3, &style_img3);
lv_obj_align(img3, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, -20, 40);
* Create an image with symbols
/*Create a string from symbols*/
char buf[32];
sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s",
/*Create style with a symbol font*/
static lv_style_t style_sym;
lv_style_copy(&style_sym, &lv_style_plain);
// The built-in fonts are extended with symbols
style_sym.text.font = &lv_font_dejavu_60;
style_sym.text.letter_space = 10;
/*Create an image and use the string as source*/
lv_obj_t * img_sym = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_img_set_src(img_sym, buf);
lv_img_set_style(img_sym, &style_sym);
lv_obj_align(img_sym, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -30);
/*Create description labels*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Re-color the images in run time");
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 15);
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Use symbols from fonts as images");
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -80);
Written for v5.2
The Image button is very similar to the simple Button object. The only difference is it displays user-defined images in each state instead of drawing a button. Before reading this please learn how the Buttons work in LittlevGL.
To set the image in a state the lv_imgbtn_set_src(imgbtn, LV_BTN_STATE_..., &img_src)
The image sources works the same as described in the Image object.
Similarly to the Button object actions (callbacks) can be assigned by lv_imgbtn_set_action(imgbtn, LV_BTN_ACTION_..., my_action)
The states also work like with Button object. It can be set with lv_imgbtn_set_state(imgbtn, LV_BTN_STATE_...)
The toggle feature can be enabled with lv_imgbtn_set_toggle(imgbtn, true)
The Image buttons can have unique styles for each state. All the style.image
properties used by the Image button:
)/*Create style to make the button darker when pressed*/
lv_style_t style_pr;
lv_style_copy(&style_pr, &lv_style_plain);
style_pr.image.color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_pr.image.intense = LV_OPA_50;
style_pr.text.color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0xaaa);
/*Create an Image button*/
lv_obj_t * imgbtn1 = lv_imgbtn_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_imgbtn_set_src(imgbtn1, LV_BTN_STATE_REL, &imgbtn_green);
lv_imgbtn_set_src(imgbtn1, LV_BTN_STATE_PR, &imgbtn_green);
lv_imgbtn_set_src(imgbtn1, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL, &imgbtn_blue);
lv_imgbtn_set_src(imgbtn1, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR, &imgbtn_blue);
lv_imgbtn_set_style(imgbtn1, LV_BTN_STATE_PR, &style_pr); /*Use the darker style in the pressed state*/
lv_imgbtn_set_style(imgbtn1, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_PR, &style_pr);
lv_imgbtn_set_toggle(imgbtn1, true);
lv_obj_align(imgbtn1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, -40);
/*Create a label on the Image button*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(imgbtn1, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Button");
/*Copy the fist image button and set Toggled state*/
lv_obj_t * imgbtn2 = lv_imgbtn_create(lv_scr_act(), imgbtn1);
lv_btn_set_state(imgbtn2, LV_BTN_STATE_TGL_REL);
lv_obj_align(imgbtn2, imgbtn1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 20);
/*Create a label on the Image button*/
label = lv_label_create(imgbtn2, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Button");
Written for v5.1
As it names shows the Keyboard object provides a keyboard to write text. You can assign a Text area to the Keyboard to put the clicked characters there. To assign the Text area use lv_kb_set_ta(kb, ta)
The keyboard contains an _Ok_ and a Hide button. An ok and a hide action can be specified by lv_kb_set_ok_action(kb, action)
and lv_kb_set_hide_action(kb, action)
to add callbacks to Ok/Hide clicks. If no action is specified then the buttons will delete the Keyboard.
The assigned Text area's cursor can be managed by the keyboard: when the keyboard is assigned the previous Text area's cursor will be hidden an the new's will be shown. Clicking on _Ok_ or Hide will also hide the cursor. The cursor manager feature is enabled by lv_kb_set_cursor_manage(kb, true)
. The default is not manage.
The Keyboards have two modes:
To set the mode use lv_kb_set_mode(kb, mode)
. The default is _LV_KB_MODE_TEXT_
You can specify a new map (layout) for the keyboard with lv_kb_set_map(kb, map)
. It works like a the Button matrix so control character can be added to the layout the set button width and other attributes. Keep in mind using following keywords will have the same effect as with the original map: _SYMBOL_OK_, _SYMBOL_CLOSE_, _SYMBOL_LEFT_, _SYMBOL_RIGHT_, ABC, abc, Enter, Del, _#1_, +/- .
The Keyboard works with 6 styles: a background and 5 button styles for each states. You can set the styles with lv_kb_set_style(btn, LV_KB_STYLE_..., &style)
. The background and the buttons use the style.body properties. The labels use the style.text properties of the button styles.
/*Create styles for the keyboard*/
static lv_style_t rel_style, pr_style;
lv_style_copy(&rel_style, &lv_style_btn_rel);
rel_style.body.radius = 0;
lv_style_copy(&pr_style, &lv_style_btn_pr);
pr_style.body.radius = 0;
/*Create a keyboard and apply the styles*/
lv_obj_t *kb = lv_kb_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_kb_set_cursor_manage(kb, true);
lv_kb_set_style(kb, LV_KB_STYLE_BG, &lv_style_transp_tight);
lv_kb_set_style(kb, LV_KB_STYLE_BTN_REL, &rel_style);
lv_kb_set_style(kb, LV_KB_STYLE_BTN_PR, &pr_style);
/*Create a text area. The keyboard will write here*/
lv_obj_t *ta = lv_ta_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_align(ta, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 10);
lv_ta_set_text(ta, "");
/*Assign the text area to the keyboard*/
lv_kb_set_ta(kb, ta);
Written for v5.1
The Lists are built from a background Page and Buttons on it. The Buttons contain an optional icon-like Image (which can be a symbol too) and a Label. When the list become long enough it can be scrolled. The width of the buttons is set to maximum according to the object width. The height of the buttons are adjusted automatically according to the content (content height + style.body.padding.ver).
You can add new list element with lv_list_add(list, "U:/img", "Text", rel_action)
or with symbol icon lv_list_add(list, SYMBOL_EDIT, "Edit text")
. If you do no want to add image use NULL
as file name. The function returns with a pointer to the created button to allow further configurations.
You can use lv_list_get_btn_label(list_btn)
and lv_list_get_btn_img(list_btn)
to get the label and the image of a list button.
In the release action of a button you can get the the button's text with lv_list_get_btn_text(button)
. It helps to identify the released list element.
To delete a list element just use lv_obj_del()
on the return value of lv_list_add()
You can navigate manually in the list with lv_list_up(list)
and lv_list_down(list)
You can focus on a button directly using lv_list_focus(btn, anim_en)
The animation time of up/down/focus movements can be set via: lv_list_set_anim_time(list, anim_time)
. Zero animation time means not animations.
The lv_list_set_style(list, LV_LIST_STYLE_..., &style)
function sets the style of a list. For details explanation of _BG_, SCRL and _SB_ see Page
. You can modify it manually. Use lv_list_get_btn_label()
to get buttons's label./*Will be called on click of a button of a list*/
static lv_res_t list_release_action(lv_obj_t * list_btn)
printf("List element click:%s\n", lv_list_get_btn_text(list_btn));
return LV_RES_OK; /*Return OK because the list is not deleted*/
* Create a default list
/*Crate the list*/
lv_obj_t * list1 = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(list1, 130, 170);
lv_obj_align(list1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 20, 40);
/*Add list elements*/
lv_list_add(list1, SYMBOL_FILE, "New", list_release_action);
lv_list_add(list1, SYMBOL_DIRECTORY, "Open", list_release_action);
lv_list_add(list1, SYMBOL_CLOSE, "Delete", list_release_action);
lv_list_add(list1, SYMBOL_EDIT, "Edit", list_release_action);
lv_list_add(list1, SYMBOL_SAVE, "Save", list_release_action);
/*Create a label above the list*/
lv_obj_t * label;
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Default");
lv_obj_align(label, list1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_TOP_MID, 0, -10);
* Create new styles
/*Create a scroll bar style*/
static lv_style_t style_sb;
lv_style_copy(&style_sb, &lv_style_plain);
style_sb.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style_sb.body.border.width = 1;
style_sb.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_70;
style_sb.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_sb.body.opa = LV_OPA_60;
/*Create styles for the buttons*/
static lv_style_t style_btn_rel;
static lv_style_t style_btn_pr;
lv_style_copy(&style_btn_rel, &lv_style_btn_rel);
style_btn_rel.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x30, 0x30, 0x30);
style_btn_rel.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_btn_rel.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
style_btn_rel.body.border.width = 1;
style_btn_rel.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_50;
style_btn_rel.body.radius = 0;
lv_style_copy(&style_btn_pr, &style_btn_rel);
style_btn_pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x55, 0x96, 0xd8);
style_btn_pr.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x37, 0x62, 0x90);
style_btn_pr.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xbb, 0xd5, 0xf1);
* Create a list with modified styles
/*Copy the previous list*/
lv_obj_t * list2 = lv_list_create(lv_scr_act(),list1);
lv_obj_align(list2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, -20, 40);
lv_list_set_sb_mode(list2, LV_SB_MODE_AUTO);
lv_list_set_style(list2, LV_LIST_STYLE_BG, &lv_style_transp_tight);
lv_list_set_style(list2, LV_LIST_STYLE_SCRL, &lv_style_transp_tight);
lv_list_set_style(list2, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_REL, &style_btn_rel); /*Set the new button styles*/
lv_list_set_style(list2, LV_LIST_STYLE_BTN_PR, &style_btn_pr);
/*Create a label above the list*/
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), label); /*Copy the previous label*/
lv_label_set_text(label, "Modified");
lv_obj_align(label, list2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_TOP_MID, 0, -10);
Written for v5.1
The LEDs are rectangle-like (or circle) object. You can set their brightness with lv_led_set_bright(led, bright)
. The brightness should be between 0 (darkest) and 255 (lightest).
Use lv_led_on(led)
and lv_led_off(led)
to set the brightness to a predefined ON or OFF value. The lv_led_toggle(led)
toggles between the ON and OFF state.
The LED uses one style which can be set by lv_led_set_style(led, &style)
. To determine the appearance the style.body properties are used. The colors are darkened and shadow width is reduced at a lower brightness and gains its original value at brightness 255 to show a lighting effect. The default style is: lv_style_pretty_color
/*Create a style for the LED*/
static lv_style_t style_led;
lv_style_copy(&style_led, &lv_style_pretty_color);
style_led.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_led.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xb5, 0x0f, 0x04);
style_led.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x50, 0x07, 0x02);
style_led.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xfa, 0x0f, 0x00);
style_led.body.border.width = 3;
style_led.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_30;
style_led.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xb5, 0x0f, 0x04);
style_led.body.shadow.width = 10;
/*Create a LED and switch it ON*/
lv_obj_t * led1 = lv_led_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_style(led1, &style_led);
lv_obj_align(led1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 40, 40);
/*Copy the previous LED and set a brightness*/
lv_obj_t * led2 = lv_led_create(lv_scr_act(), led1);
lv_obj_align(led2, led1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 40);
lv_led_set_bright(led2, 190);
/*Copy the previous LED and switch it OFF*/
lv_obj_t * led3 = lv_led_create(lv_scr_act(), led1);
lv_obj_align(led3, led2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 40);
/*Create 3 labels next to the LEDs*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "LED On");
lv_obj_align(label, led1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -40, 0);
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "LED half");
lv_obj_align(label, led2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -40, 0);
label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "LED Off");
lv_obj_align(label, led3, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -40, 0);
Written for v5.1
The line object is capable of drawing straight lines between a set of points. The points has to be stored in an lv_point_t
array and passed to the object by the lv_line_set_points(lines, point_array, point_num)
It is possible to automatically set the size of the line object according to its points. You can enable it with the lv_line_set_auto_size(line, true)
function. If enabled then when the points are set then the object width and height will be changed according to the max. x and max. y coordinates among the points. The auto size is enabled by default.
Basically the y == 0 point is in the top of the object but you can invert the y coordinates with lv_line_set_y_invert(line, true)
. After it the y coordinates will be subtracted from object's height.
/*Create an array for the points of the line*/
static lv_point_t line_points[] = { {5, 5}, {70, 70}, {120, 10}, {180, 60}, {240, 10} };
/*Create line with default style*/
lv_obj_t * line1;
line1 = lv_line_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_line_set_points(line1, line_points, 5); /*Set the points*/
lv_obj_align(line1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 20);
/*Create new style (thin light blue)*/
static lv_style_t style_line2;
lv_style_copy(&style_line2, &lv_style_plain);
style_line2.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x2e, 0x96, 0xff);
style_line2.line.width = 2;
/*Copy the previous line and apply the new style*/
lv_obj_t * line2 = lv_line_create(lv_scr_act(), line1);
lv_line_set_style(line2, &style_line2);
lv_obj_align(line2, line1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -20);
/*Create new style (thick dark blue)*/
static lv_style_t style_line3;
lv_style_copy(&style_line3, &lv_style_plain);
style_line3.line.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x00, 0x3b, 0x75);
style_line3.line.width = 5;
/*Copy the previous line and apply the new style*/
lv_obj_t * line3 = lv_line_create(lv_scr_act(), line1);
lv_line_set_style(line3, &style_line3);
lv_obj_align(line3, line2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -20);
Written for v5.1
The Line Meter object consists of some radial lines which draw a scale. When setting a new value with lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, new_value)
the proportional part of the scale will be recolored.
The lv_lmeter_set_range(lmeter, min, max)
function sets the range of the line meter.
You can set the angle of the scale and the number of the lines by: lv_lmeter_set_scale(lmeter, angle, line_num)
. The default angle is 240 and the default line number is 31
The line meter uses one style which can be set by lv_lmeter_set_style(lmeter, &style)
. The line meter's properties are derived from the following style attributes:
The default style is _lv_style_pretty_color_.
* Create 3 similar line meter
/*Create a simple style with ticker line width*/
static lv_style_t style_lmeter1;
lv_style_copy(&style_lmeter1, &lv_style_pretty_color);
style_lmeter1.line.width = 2;
style_lmeter1.line.color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
style_lmeter1.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x91bfed); /*Light blue*/
style_lmeter1.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x04386c); /*Dark blue*/
/*Create the first line meter */
lv_obj_t * lmeter;
lmeter = lv_lmeter_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_lmeter_set_range(lmeter, 0, 100); /*Set the range*/
lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, 30); /*Set the current value*/
lv_lmeter_set_style(lmeter, &style_lmeter1); /*Apply the new style*/
lv_obj_set_size(lmeter, 80, 80);
lv_obj_align(lmeter, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_LEFT, 20, -20);
/*Add a label to show the current value*/
lv_obj_t * label;
label = lv_label_create(lmeter, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "30%");
lv_label_set_style(label, &lv_style_pretty);
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
/*Create the second line meter and label*/
lmeter = lv_lmeter_create(lv_scr_act(), lmeter);
lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, 60);
lv_obj_align(lmeter, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_MID, 0, -20);
label = lv_label_create(lmeter, label);
lv_label_set_text(label, "60%");
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
/*Create the third line meter and label*/
lmeter = lv_lmeter_create(lv_scr_act(), lmeter);
lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, 90);
lv_obj_align(lmeter, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_BOTTOM_RIGHT, -20, -20);
label = lv_label_create(lmeter, label);
lv_label_set_text(label, "90%");
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
* Create a greater line meter
/*Create a new style*/
static lv_style_t style_lmeter2;
lv_style_copy(&style_lmeter2, &lv_style_pretty_color);
style_lmeter2.line.width = 2;
style_lmeter2.line.color = LV_COLOR_SILVER;
style_lmeter2.body.padding.hor = 16; /*Line length*/
style_lmeter2.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_LIME;
style_lmeter2.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_ORANGE;
/*Create the line meter*/
lmeter = lv_lmeter_create(lv_scr_act(), lmeter);
lv_obj_set_style(lmeter, &style_lmeter2);
lv_obj_set_size(lmeter, 120, 120);
lv_obj_align(lmeter, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 20);
lv_lmeter_set_scale(lmeter, 240, 31);
lv_lmeter_set_value(lmeter, 90);
/*Create a label style with greater font*/
static lv_style_t style_label;
lv_style_copy(&style_label, &lv_style_pretty);
style_label.text.font = &lv_font_dejavu_60;
style_label.text.color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
/*Add a label to show the current value*/
label = lv_label_create(lmeter, label);
lv_label_set_text(label, "90%");
lv_obj_set_style(label, &style_label);
lv_obj_align(label, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
Written for v5.1
The Labels are the basic objects to display text. There is no limitation in the text size because it's stored dynamically. You can modify the text in runtime at any time with lv_label_set_text().
You can use \n
to make line break. For example: "line1\nline2\n\nline4"
The size of the label object can be automatically expanded to the text size or the text can be manipulated according to several long mode policies:
You can specify the long mode with: lv_label_set_long_mode(label, long_mode)
It's important to note that if you change the LONG_MODE
the size of the label obejct is already expanded to the text's size.
So you need to set the label's size with lv_obj_set_size()
or lv_obj_set_width()
after changing long mode.
Labels are able to show text from a static array. Use: lv_label_set_static_text(label, char_array)
. In this case, the text is not stored in the dynamic memory but the given array is used instead. Keep in my the array can't be a local variable which destroys when the function exits.
You can also use a raw character array as label text. The array doesn't have to be \0
terminated. In this case, the text will be saved to the dynamic memory. To set a raw character array use the lv_label_set_array_text(label, char_array)
The label's text can be aligned to the left, right or middle with lv_label_set_align(label, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT/RIGHT/CENTER)
You can enable to draw a background for the label with lv_label_set_body_draw(label, draw)
In the text, you can use commands to re-color parts of the text. For example: "Write a #ff0000 red# word"
. This feature can be enabled individually for each label by lv_label_set_recolor()
The labels can display symbols besides letters. Learn more about symbols here.
The labels' default style is NULL
so they inherit the parent's style.
style.body properties
are usedThe label's click enable attribute is disabled by default. You can enable clicking with lv_obj_set_click(label, true)
/*Create label on the screen. By default it will inherit the style of the screen*/
lv_obj_t * title = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(title, "Title Label");
lv_obj_align(title, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_MID, 0, 20); /*Align to the top*/
/*Create anew style*/
static lv_style_t style_txt;
lv_style_copy(&style_txt, &lv_style_plain);
style_txt.text.font = &lv_font_dejavu_40;
style_txt.text.letter_space = 2;
style_txt.text.line_space = 1;
style_txt.text.color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x606060);
/*Create a new label*/
lv_obj_t * txt = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_style(txt, &style_txt); /*Set the created style*/
lv_label_set_long_mode(txt, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK); /*Break the long lines*/
lv_label_set_recolor(txt, true); /*Enable re-coloring by commands in the text*/
lv_label_set_align(txt, LV_LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER); /*Center aligned lines*/
lv_label_set_text(txt, "Align lines to the middle\n\n"
"#000080 Re-color# #0000ff words of# #6666ff the text#\n\n"
"If a line become too long it can be automatically broken into multiple lines");
lv_obj_set_width(txt, 300); /*Set a width*/
lv_obj_align(txt, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 20); /*Align to center*/
Written for v5.1
The message boxes act as pop-ups. They are built from a background, a text and buttons. The background is a Container object with enabled vertical fit to ensure that the text and the buttons are always visible.
To set the text use the lv_mbox_set_text(mbox, "My text")
The buttons are a Button matrix. To add buttons use the lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox, btn_str, action)
function. In this you can specify the button text e.g (const char * btn_str[] = {"btn1", "btn2", ""}
) and add a callback which is called when a button is released. For more information visit the Button matrix's documentation.
With lv_mbox_start_auto_close(mbox, delay)
the message box can be closed automatically after delay milliseconds with a long animation. The lv_mbox_stop_auto_close(mbox)
function will stop a started auto close .
The close animation time can be adjusted by lv_mbox_set_anim_time(mbox, anim_time)
Use lv_mbox_set_style(mbox, LV_MBOX_STYLE_..., &style)
to set a new style for an element of the message box:
/*Called when a button is clicked*/
static lv_res_t mbox_apply_action(lv_obj_t * mbox, const char * txt)
printf("Mbox button: %s\n", txt);
return LV_RES_OK; /*Return OK if the message box is not deleted*/
* Create a default message box
lv_obj_t * mbox1 = lv_mbox_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_mbox_set_text(mbox1, "Default message box\n"
"with buttons"); /*Set the text*/
/*Add two buttons*/
static const char * btns[] ={"\221Apply", "\221Close", ""}; /*Button description. '\221' lv_btnm like control char*/
lv_mbox_add_btns(mbox1, btns, NULL);
lv_obj_set_width(mbox1, 250);
lv_obj_align(mbox1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 10, 10); /*Align to the corner*/
* Create a message box with new styles
/*Create a new background style*/
static lv_style_t style_bg;
lv_style_copy(&style_bg, &lv_style_pretty);
style_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xf5, 0x45, 0x2e);
style_bg.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0xb9, 0x1d, 0x09);
style_bg.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x3f, 0x0a, 0x03);
style_bg.text.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style_bg.body.padding.hor = 12;
style_bg.body.padding.ver = 8;
style_bg.body.shadow.width = 8;
/*Create released and pressed button styles*/
static lv_style_t style_btn_rel;
static lv_style_t style_btn_pr;
lv_style_copy(&style_btn_rel, &lv_style_btn_rel);
style_btn_rel.body.empty = 1; /*Draw only the border*/
style_btn_rel.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style_btn_rel.body.border.width = 2;
style_btn_rel.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_70;
style_btn_rel.body.padding.hor = 12;
style_btn_rel.body.padding.ver = 8;
lv_style_copy(&style_btn_pr, &style_btn_rel);
style_btn_pr.body.empty = 0;
style_btn_pr.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x5d, 0x0f, 0x04);
style_btn_pr.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x5d, 0x0f, 0x04);
/*Copy the message box (The buttons will be copied too)*/
lv_obj_t * mbox2 = lv_mbox_create(lv_scr_act(), mbox1);
lv_mbox_set_text(mbox2, "Message box with\n"
"with modified styles");
lv_mbox_set_style(mbox2, LV_MBOX_STYLE_BG, &style_bg);
lv_mbox_set_style(mbox2, LV_MBOX_STYLE_BTN_REL, &style_btn_rel);
lv_mbox_set_style(mbox2, LV_MBOX_STYLE_BTN_PR, &style_btn_pr);
lv_obj_align(mbox2, mbox1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_LEFT, 50, -20); /*Align according to the previous message box */
Written for v5.1
The Page consist of two containers on each other: the bottom is the background (or base) and the top is the scrollable. If you create a child on the page it will be automatically moved to the scrollable container. If the scrollable container become greater then the background it can be scrolled by dragging (like the lists on smart phones).
By default the scrollable's auto fit attribute is enabled vertically so its height will increased to include all its children. The width of the scrollable is automatically adjusted to the background width (minus the background's horizontal padding).
The background object can be referenced as the page itself like: lv_obj_set_width(page, 100)
The scrollbar object can be retrieved with: lv_page_get_scrl(page)
Scrollbars can be shown according to four policies:
You can set scroll bar show policy by: lv_page_set_sb_mode(page, SB_MODE)
. The default value is _LV_PAGE_SB_MODE_ON_;
You can glue a children to the page. In this case you can scroll the page with dragging the child object. It can be enabled by the lv_page_glue_obj(child, true)
You can focus to an object on a page with: lv_page_focus(page, child, anim_time)
It will moves the scrollable container to show a child. If the last parameter is not zero then the page will move with an animation.
A release and a press action can be assigned to the Page with lv_page_set_rel_action(page, my_rel_action)
and lv_page_set_pr_action(page, my_pr_action)
. The action can be triggered from the Background and the Scrollable object too.
There are functions to directly set/get the scrollable's attributes:
Use lv_page_set_style(page, LV_PAGE_STYLE_..., &style)
to set a new style for an element of the page:
to place object relative to each other (one has to be in to top/left) or disable fit with lv_page_set_scrl_fit(page, false, false);
and set it's size lv_page_set_scrl_width/height(page, 100)
./*Create a scroll bar style*/
static lv_style_t style_sb;
lv_style_copy(&style_sb, &lv_style_plain);
style_sb.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style_sb.body.border.width = 1;
style_sb.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_70;
style_sb.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_sb.body.opa = LV_OPA_60;
style_sb.body.padding.hor = 3; /*Horizontal padding on the right*/
style_sb.body.padding.inner = 8; /*Scrollbar width*/
/*Create a page*/
lv_obj_t * page = lv_page_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(page, 150, 200);
lv_obj_align(page, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
lv_page_set_style(page, LV_PAGE_STYLE_SB, &style_sb); /*Set the scrollbar style*/
lv_page_set_sb_mode(page, LV_SB_MODE_AUTO); /*Show scroll bars is scrolling is possible*/
/*Create a label on the page*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(page, NULL);
lv_label_set_long_mode(label, LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK); /*Automatically break long lines*/
lv_obj_set_width(label, lv_page_get_scrl_width(page)); /*Set the width. Lines will break here*/
lv_label_set_text(label, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,\n"
"sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.\n"
"Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco\n"
"laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure\n"
"dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore\n"
"eu fugiat nulla pariatur.\n"
"Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa\n"
"qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.");
Written for v5.2
The preloader object is a spinning arc over a border.
The length of the arc can be adjusted by lv_preload_set_arc_length(preload, deg)
The speed of the spinning can be adjusted by lv_preload_set_spin_time(preload, time_ms)
style describes both the arc and the border style:
properties including body.padding.hor/ver
(smaller is used) to give a smaller radius for the border./*Create a style for the Preloader*/
static lv_style_t style;
lv_style_copy(&style, &lv_style_plain);
style.line.width = 10; /*10 px thick arc*/
style.line.color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0x258); /*Blueish arc color*/
style.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0xBBB); /*Gray background color*/
style.body.border.width = 10;
style.body.padding.hor = 0;
/*Create a Preloader object*/
lv_obj_t * preload = lv_preload_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(preload, 100, 100);
lv_obj_align(preload, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);
lv_preload_set_style(preload, LV_PRELOAD_STYLE_MAIN, &style);
Written for v5.1 Updated to v5.2
Roller allow you to simply select one option from more with scrolling. Its functionalities are similar to Drop down list.
The options are passed to the Roller as a string with lv_roller_set_options(roller, options)
. The options should be separated by \n
. For example: "First\nSecond\nThird"
You can select an option manually with lv_roller_set_selected(roller, id)
, where _id_ is the index of an option.
A callback function can be specified with lv_roller_set_action(roller, my_action)
to call when a new option is selected.
The roller's height can be adjusted with lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller, row_cnt)
to set number of visible options.
The width is adjusted automatically. To prevent this apply lv_roller_set_hor_fit(roller, false)
and set the width manually by lv_obj_set_width(roller, width)
. You should use lv_roller_set_hor_fit(roller, false)
instead of lv_cont_set_fit(lv_page_get_scrl(roller), false, false);
, ohterwise you'll get an LV_LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT style of the list label text.
The Roller's open/close animation time is adjusted by lv_roller_set_anim_time(roller, anim_time)
. Zero animation time means no animation. This feature is implemented within lv_ddlist.c in v5.2: lv_ddlist_set_anim_time(roller, anim_time);
should be used for animation.
The lv_roller_set_style(roller, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_..., &style)
set the styles of a roller.
/*Create a default roller*/
lv_obj_t *roller1 = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_roller_set_options(roller1, "Apple\n"
lv_obj_set_pos(roller1, 50, 80);
/*Create styles*/
static lv_style_t bg_style;
lv_style_copy(&bg_style, &lv_style_pretty);
bg_style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
bg_style.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_HEX3(0xddd);
bg_style.body.border.width = 0;
bg_style.text.line_space = 20;
bg_style.text.opa = LV_OPA_40;
static lv_style_t sel_style;
lv_style_copy(&sel_style, &lv_style_pretty);
sel_style.body.empty = 1;
sel_style.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
sel_style.text.color = LV_COLOR_BLUE;
/*Create a roller and apply the new styles*/
lv_obj_t *roller2 = lv_roller_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_roller_set_options(roller2, "0\n"
lv_roller_set_style(roller2, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_BG, &bg_style);
lv_roller_set_selected(roller2, 3, false);
lv_roller_set_style(roller2, LV_ROLLER_STYLE_SEL, &sel_style);
lv_roller_set_visible_row_count(roller2, 3);
lv_roller_set_hor_fit(roller2, false);
lv_obj_set_width(roller2, 40);
lv_obj_set_pos(roller2, 220, 50);
Written for v6.0
The Slider object looks like a Bar supplemented with a Knob. The Knob can be dragged to set a value. The Slider also can be vertical or horizontal.
To set an initial value use lv_slider_set_value(slider, new_value)
function or lv_slider_set_value_anim(slider, new_value, anim_time)
to set the value with an animation.
To specify the range (min, max values) the lv_slider_set_range(slider, min , max)
can be used.
A callback function can be assigned to call when a new value is set by the user: lv_slider_set_action(slider, my_action)
The knob can be placed two ways:
Use the lv_slider_set_knob_in(slider, true/false)
to choose between the modes. (knob_in == false is the default)
You can modify the slider's styles with lv_slider_set_style(slider, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_..., &style)
/*Called when a new value id set on the slider*/
static lv_res_t slider_action(lv_obj_t * slider)
printf("New slider value: %d\n", lv_slider_get_value(slider));
return LV_RES_OK;
/*Create a default slider*/
lv_obj_t * slider1 = lv_slider_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(slider1, 160, 30);
lv_obj_align(slider1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_RIGHT, -30, 30);
lv_slider_set_action(slider1, slider_action);
lv_bar_set_value(slider1, 70);
/*Create a label right to the slider*/
lv_obj_t * slider1_label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_label_set_text(slider1_label, "Default");
lv_obj_align(slider1_label, slider1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -20, 0);
/*Create a bar, an indicator and a knob style*/
static lv_style_t style_bg;
static lv_style_t style_indic;
static lv_style_t style_knob;
lv_style_copy(&style_bg, &lv_style_pretty);
style_bg.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_bg.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_GRAY;
style_bg.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_bg.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
lv_style_copy(&style_indic, &lv_style_pretty);
style_indic.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_GREEN;
style_indic.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_LIME;
style_indic.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_indic.body.shadow.width = 10;
style_indic.body.shadow.color = LV_COLOR_LIME;
style_indic.body.padding.hor = 3;
style_indic.body.padding.ver = 3;
lv_style_copy(&style_knob, &lv_style_pretty);
style_knob.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_knob.body.opa = LV_OPA_70;
style_knob.body.padding.ver = 10 ;
/*Create a second slider*/
lv_obj_t * slider2 = lv_slider_create(lv_scr_act(), slider1);
lv_slider_set_style(slider2, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_BG, &style_bg);
lv_slider_set_style(slider2, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_INDIC,&style_indic);
lv_slider_set_style(slider2, LV_SLIDER_STYLE_KNOB, &style_knob);
lv_obj_align(slider2, slider1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 30); /*Align below 'bar1'*/
/*Create a second label*/
lv_obj_t * slider2_label = lv_label_create(lv_scr_act(), slider1_label);
lv_label_set_text(slider2_label, "Modified");
lv_obj_align(slider2_label, slider2, LV_ALIGN_OUT_LEFT_MID, -30, 0);
Written for v5.3
static void spinbox_value_changed(lv_obj_t * spinbox)
spinbox = lv_spinbox_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_spinbox_set_style(spinbox, LV_SPINBOX_STYLE_BG, &spinBoxStyle);
lv_spinbox_set_style(spinbox, LV_SPINBOX_STYLE_CURSOR, &spinBoxCursorStyle);
lv_obj_set_size(spinbox, LV_HOR_RES, 80);
lv_obj_align(spinbox, NULL, LV_ALIGN_IN_TOP_LEFT, 4, 0);
Written for v5.1, revision 2
The Switch can be used to turn on/off something. The look like a little slider. The state of the switch can be changed by:
and lv_sw_off(sw)
functionsA callback function can be assigned to call when the user uses the switch: lv_sw_set_action(sw, my_action)
New in v5.3: Switches can be animated by calling lv_sw_set_anim_time(sw, anim_ms)
You can modify the Switch's styles with lv_sw_set_style(sw, LV_SW_STYLE_..., &style)
/*Create styles for the switch*/
static lv_style_t bg_style;
static lv_style_t indic_style;
static lv_style_t knob_on_style;
static lv_style_t knob_off_style;
lv_style_copy(&bg_style, &lv_style_pretty);
bg_style.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
lv_style_copy(&indic_style, &lv_style_pretty_color);
indic_style.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
indic_style.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x9fc8ef);
indic_style.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_HEX(0x9fc8ef);
indic_style.body.padding.hor = 0;
indic_style.body.padding.ver = 0;
lv_style_copy(&knob_off_style, &lv_style_pretty);
knob_off_style.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
knob_off_style.body.shadow.width = 4;
knob_off_style.body.shadow.type = LV_SHADOW_BOTTOM;
lv_style_copy(&knob_on_style, &lv_style_pretty_color);
knob_on_style.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
knob_on_style.body.shadow.width = 4;
knob_on_style.body.shadow.type = LV_SHADOW_BOTTOM;
/*Create a switch and apply the styles*/
lv_obj_t *sw1 = lv_sw_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_sw_set_style(sw1, LV_SW_STYLE_BG, &bg_style);
lv_sw_set_style(sw1, LV_SW_STYLE_INDIC, &indic_style);
lv_sw_set_style(sw1, LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_ON, &knob_on_style);
lv_sw_set_style(sw1, LV_SW_STYLE_KNOB_OFF, &knob_off_style);
lv_obj_align(sw1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, -50);
/*Copy the first switch and turn it ON*/
lv_obj_t *sw2 = lv_sw_create(lv_scr_act(), sw1);
lv_obj_align(sw2, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 50);
Written for v5.1
The Tab view object can be used to organize content in tabs. You can add a new tab with lv_tabview_add_tab(tabview, "Tab name")
. It will return with a pointer to a Page object where you can add the tab's content.
To select a tab you can:
lv_tabview_set_tab_act(tabview, id, anim_en)
functionThe manual sliding can be disabled with lv_tabview_set_sliding(tabview, false)
The animation time is adjusted by lv_tabview_set_anim_time(tabview, anim_time)
A callback function can be assigned to tab load event with lv_tabview_set_tab_load_action(tabview, action)
. The callback function need to have the following prototype:
void callback(lv_obj_t * tabview, uint16_t act_id);
Where _act_id_ means tab which will be loaded. In the action lv_tabview_get_tab_act(tabview)
will give the id of the old tab.
Use lv_tabview_set_style(tabview, LV_TABVIEW_STYLE_..., &style)
to set a new style for an element of the tab view:
/*Create a Tab view object*/
lv_obj_t *tabview;
tabview = lv_tabview_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
/*Add 3 tabs (the tabs are page (lv_page) and can be scrolled*/
lv_obj_t *tab1 = lv_tabview_add_tab(tabview, "Tab 1");
lv_obj_t *tab2 = lv_tabview_add_tab(tabview, "Tab 2");
lv_obj_t *tab3 = lv_tabview_add_tab(tabview, "Tab 3");
/*Add content to the tabs*/
lv_obj_t * label = lv_label_create(tab1, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "This the first tab\n\n"
"If the content\n"
"become too long\n"
"the tab become\n"
label = lv_label_create(tab2, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Second tab");
label = lv_label_create(tab3, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(label, "Third tab");
Written for v5.1
The Text Area is a page with a label and a cursor on it. You can insert text or characters to the current cursor position with:
lv_ta_add_char(ta, 'c')
lv_ta_add_text(ta, "insert this text")
The lv_ta_set_text(ta, "New text")
changes the whole text.
To delete a character from the left of the current cursor position use lv_ta_del_char(ta)
The cursor position can be modified directly like lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta, 10)
or by stepping it:
There are several cursor types. You can set one of them with: lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta, LV_CURSOR_...)
You can 'OR' _LV_CURSOR_HIDDEN_ to any type to hide the cursor.
The Text area can be configures to be one lined with lv_ta_set_one_line(ta, true)
The text area supports password mode. It can be enabled with lv_ta_set_pwd_mode(ta, true)
Use lv_ta_set_style(page, LV_TA_STYLE_..., &style)
to set a new style for an element of the text area:
LV_TA_STYLE_CURSOR cursor style. If NULL then the library sets us a style automatically according to the label color and font
gives the real text and not the asterisk characters/*Create a scroll bar style*/
static lv_style_t style_sb;
lv_style_copy(&style_sb, &lv_style_plain);
style_sb.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style_sb.body.border.width = 1;
style_sb.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_70;
style_sb.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_sb.body.opa = LV_OPA_60;
/*Create a normal Text area*/
lv_obj_t * ta1 = lv_ta_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_obj_set_size(ta1, 200, 100);
lv_obj_align(ta1, NULL, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, - LV_DPI / 2);
lv_ta_set_style(ta1,LV_TA_STYLE_SB, &style_sb); /*Apply the scroll bar style*/
lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta1, LV_CURSOR_BLOCK);
lv_ta_set_text(ta1, "A text in a Text Area\n"
"You can scroll it if the text is long enough."); /*Set an initial text*/
lv_ta_set_cursor_pos(ta1, 2); /*Set the cursor position*/
lv_ta_add_text(ta1, "long "); /*Insert a word at the current cursor position*/
static lv_style_t style_bg;
lv_style_copy(&style_bg, &lv_style_pretty);
style_bg.body.shadow.width = 8;
style_bg.text.color = LV_COLOR_MAKE(0x30, 0x60, 0xd0); /*Blue label*/
/*Create a one lined test are with password mode*/
lv_obj_t * ta2 = lv_ta_create(lv_scr_act(), ta1);
lv_obj_align(ta2, ta1, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 50);
lv_ta_set_style(ta2,LV_TA_STYLE_BG, &style_bg); /*Apply the background style*/
lv_ta_set_one_line(ta2, true);
lv_ta_set_cursor_type(ta2, LV_CURSOR_LINE);
lv_ta_set_pwd_mode(ta2, true);
lv_ta_set_text(ta2, "Password");
Written for v5.1
The windows are one of the most complex container-like objects. They are built from two main parts: a header Container on the top and a Page for the content below the header.
On the header there is title which can be modified by: lv_win_set_title(win, "New title")
. The title always inherits the style of the header.
You can add control buttons to the right side of the header with: lv_win_add_btn(win, "U:/close", my_close_action)
. The second parameter is an image file path, the third parameter is a function to call when the button is released. You can use symbols as images as well like: lv_win_add_btn(win, SYMBOL_CLOSE, my_close_action)
You can modify the size of the control buttons with the lv_win_set_btn_size(win, new_size)
The scrollbar behavior can be set by lv_win_set_sb_mode(win, LV_SB_MODE_...)
To set a layout for the content use lv_win_set_layout(win, LV_LAYOUT_...)
Use lv_win_set_style(win, LV_WIN_STYLE_..., &style)
to set a new style for an element of the window:
/*Create a scroll bar style*/
static lv_style_t style_sb;
lv_style_copy(&style_sb, &lv_style_plain);
style_sb.body.main_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.grad_color = LV_COLOR_BLACK;
style_sb.body.border.color = LV_COLOR_WHITE;
style_sb.body.border.width = 1;
style_sb.body.border.opa = LV_OPA_70;
style_sb.body.radius = LV_RADIUS_CIRCLE;
style_sb.body.opa = LV_OPA_60;
/*Create a window*/
lv_obj_t * win = lv_win_create(lv_scr_act(), NULL);
lv_win_set_title(win, "Example window"); /*Set the title*/
lv_win_set_style(win, LV_WIN_STYLE_SB, &style_sb); /*Set the scroll bar style*/
/*Add control button to the header*/
lv_win_add_btn(win, SYMBOL_SETTINGS, my_setup_action); /*Add a setup button*/
lv_win_add_btn(win, SYMBOL_CLOSE, lv_win_close_action); /*Add close button and use built-in close action*/
/*Add some dummy content*/
lv_obj_t * txt = lv_label_create(win, NULL);
lv_label_set_text(txt, "This is the content of the window\n\n"
"You can add control buttons to\nthe window header\n\n"
"You can scroll it\n\n"
"See the scroll bar on the right!");